Cardiff IAP Runway in use 12
Parked on stand 15 is Beech 200 G-OCEG ..departed at 13:38 to Bournemouth as "Cega 810"

Pic credit Hugh Trainer
Inbound at 09:25 is Bell 206B G-LBDC ..landed 09:31 parking on Echo ..departed 09:38
Inbound at 12:42 from the East via the Cardiff Docks VRP is Robinson R44 G-PUNT ..landed 12:56 parking on echo
Inbound at 16:35 is Yeovilton based Beech A36 Bonanza G-MAPR ..landed 16:42 parking on echo [nightstopping]
Inbound at 17:10 is "Atlantic 42" Cessna 310R G-SOUL ..landed 17:19 parking on Echo ..departed at 18:39 to Coventry with the same c/s
Inbound at 19:05 from Oxford via the Cardiff Docks VRP is Bell 206B G-LBDC ..landed 19:18 parking on stand 15 ..departed 19:42 back to Oxford
Training Flights
Inbound at 11:54 to land followed by some circuits is "Neptune 188T" L-188C Electra G-FIZU ..landed 12:04 and taxied round ..airborne 12:11 into the circuit ..landed 13:12 for a crew change ..airborne at 13:26 for more circuits ..landed 14:42 ..departed 14:49 to Bournemouth

Pic credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 14:20 for an approach and go-round is "Lizard 5T" Beech 76 G-BXWA ..go-round at 14:30
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Departing at 01:40 to Manchester is TOM9057 B752 G-BYAP
Due in from Lisbon at 07:25 is FPO299Z B733 F-GIXS ..landed 07:40 parking on stand 6 ..departed 09:54 to Paris CDG as FPO199Z

Pic credit RichT
Due in is MON022P A306 G-OJMR ..landed 09:37 parking on stand 7 ..departed 11:39 to Marseilles as MON9022

Pic credit Phil Woods
Departing at 12:53 to Gloucester is "Kiel Air 727P" Manx2 Do228 D-ILKA
Inbound at 14:25 is "Kiel Air 628P" Manx2 Do228 D-CMNX ..landed 14:35 parking on stand 12
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 07:46 to Knettishall is PA-28 G-CSBD ..landed 14:20
Departing at 09:26 to Haverfordwest via St.Hilary is Sundowner G-BBTY ..landed home 20:32
Departing at 09:49 to Cherbourg is PA-28 G-BXIF ..landed 19:22
Departing at 11:16 to Duxford via Wenvoe is Pup G-AZCZ ..landed 16:25
Departing at 11:52 via Wenvoe is Sky Arrow G-BYCY ..landed 12:39

Pic credit Phil Woods
Departing at 12:10 to Haverfordwest via St.Hilary is F.172E G-ASUP ..landed 16:32
Departing at 14:32 to Haverfordwest via St Hilary are Aeronca Chief G-BRWR & Tiger Moth G-ANFI ..the Aeronca returned and landed 17:38 ..departed again 17:58
Departing at 15:29 for some circuits is PA-28 Archer II G-OPET ..landed 15:43
Departing at 15:36 to the West via St Hilary is Rockwell 112B G-CRIL ..back in for an SRA 15:45 ..go-round at 15:50 and back out to the West via St Hilary ..landed 16:28 ..airborne into the circuit 18:00 ..landed 18:28
Inbound at 22:10 is DragonFly Beech 200 G-BVMA ..landed on 30 22:20
MOD St Athan Runway in use 08
UWAS Tutor active today: G-BYVW
634VGS Vigilants active today: ZH209/UQ, ZH249/UU, ZJ962/SK
Over the Top
01:32 "Reach 292" B763 N342AX WB FL380 CPT-BUTOK ..Onmi Air International
04:09 "Reach 678" C-5A 70-0463 EB FL380 GAPLI-MAM ..167thAS WV ANG Martinsburg WV
05:04 "SERDZ" GLF5 SE-RDZ EB FL370 STU-CPT ..EFS European Flight Service
07:25 "N604BB" CL60 N604BB EB FL390 STU-BCN ..MA Aviation LLC
07:50 "Reach 238" C-17A 05-5145 WB FL320 MAM-GITUS ..729thAS AFRC March AFB CA
08:29 "Reach 148" C-17A 07-7187 WB FL310 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston SC
08:37 "N457H" GLF4 N457H WB FL430 CPT-STU ..Bank of America Leasing & Capital LLC
08:52 "J2-KBA" B727 J2-KBA EB climbing STU-CPT ..Djibouti Government [Gander-Le Bourget]
08:57 "Reach 829" DC10 N108AX EB FL330 STU-CPT ..Onmi Air International
09:15 "VPBAR" FA7X VP-BAR EB descending STU-NUMPO-NIGIT ..Corporate
09:56 GAF188 CL60 12+0? WB FL380 MAM-RILES-PEMOB ..FBS Koln/Bonn
10:02 "Reach 658" MD11 N276WA EB FL390 EVRIN-NUMPO-CPT ..World Airways
10:12 VJS268 LJ60 OE-GLX WB FL400 CPT-BEKSA-PEMOB ..VistaJet
10:22 "Reach 276" DC10 N612AX EB FL330 STU-DIKAS-CPT ..Onmi Air International
10:23 "Reach 696" C-17A 03-3117 EB FL360 GAPLI-MAM ..183rdAS MS ANG Jackson MS
11:13 "Reach 354" C-17A 06-6167 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..436thAW Dover AFB DE
11:39 "MFUAD" G550 M-FUAD WB climbing CPT-BEKSA-PEMOB ..Future Pipe Aviation
11:53 "N89NC" G550 N89NC WB climbing CPT-STU ..Wells Fargo Bank Northwest Na Trustee
11:55 "Reach 197" C-5A 69-0015 WB FL340 MAM-GITUS ..137thAS NY ANG Stewart IAP NY
12:05 "Reach 133" C-17A 94-0067 WB FL360 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston SC
12:25 "Reach 529" C-17A 06-6154 WB FL320 MAM-GITUS ..60thAMW Travis AFB, CA
12:37 "Reach 184" C-17A 04-4133 EB FL330 GAPLI-MAM ..305thAMW JB McGuire, NJ

Pic credit Phil Woods
13:27 "Reach 541" C-17A 07-7173 EB FL370 GAPLI-MAM ..436thAW Dover AFB, DE
13:28 JEI262 LJ35 D-CCCA NWB FL400 BHD-EXMOR-STU ..Jet Executive
14:20 "OOGEE" PC12 OO-GEE EB FL270 EVRIN-NUMPO-CPT ..Pilatus Club One
14:57 AEW131 B763 UR-DNM WB FL320 CPT-STU ..Aerosvit Airlines
15:10 "Reach 373" C-17A 03-3127 EB FL290 GAPLI-MAM ..305thAMW JB McGuire, NJ
15:33 "Reach 825" B763 N125RD WB FL320 CPT-NUMPO-MERLY ..Ryan International Airlines
15:40 "Reach 137" C-17A 95-0107 WB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..437thAW JB Charleston, SC
16:05 "CGIRE" LJ35 C-GIRE NB FL360 DAWLY-UNBIG ..Skyservice Business Aviation
19:05 "Reach 342" C-17A 01-0193 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..437thAW JB Charleston, SC
20:05 "Quid 83" KC-135R 63-8019/D EB descending GAPLI-VLN-BZN-MAM ..100thARW RAF Mildenhall
20:25 "Quid 84" KC-135R 58-0036/D EB descending GAPLI-VLN-BZN-MAM ..100thARW RAF Mildenhall
21:15 "Reach 811" DC10 N810AX WB FL320 CPT-SNN ..Omni Air International
21:35 "GSIRA" E135 G-SIRA EB FL390 EVRIN-NUMPO-CPT ..Twinjet Aircraft
22:53 "Reach 164" C-17A 97-0044 WB FL340 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston, SC
Around & About
Landing at Penllyn Farm near Cowbridge at 12:18 was Cessna 180K N180FN ..departed 17:30
Pic credit Arran Shackell
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