Cardiff IAP Runway in use 12 30 17:10
Parked on Echo is Citation XLS G-XBEL ..departed at 11:12 to Palma as "Beauport 881" ..landed 18:19 as "Beauport 882" parking on stand 15 ..departed 18:46 to Jersey as "Beauport 883"

Pic credit Phil Woods
Also parked on echo is Hawker 800XPi CS-DRR ..departed at 16:45 to Warsaw as "Fraction 7AE"
Inbound at 11:05 is "Ascot 1299" 32(TR)Sqn A109E ZR323 ..landed 11:23 parking on stand 15 ..departed 12:59 to the West

Pic credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 12:30 is "Ascot 1798" 32(TR)Sqn HS125 CC.3 ZD621 ..landed at 12:48 parking on stand 15 ..taxied out 13:10 for a flight to Northolt but returned to stand 15 at 13:20 due to being re-scheduled by Sqn Ops ..departed 16:03 to Exeter
Landing at 19:39 is Cessna T206H EI-SPB parking on stand 15
Training Flights
Inbound at 13:25 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is "Blackadder 11" Beech 76 G-CBBF ..go-round 13:48 and departed to Bournemouth
Inbound at 13:30 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is "Brunel 6" PA-34 G-BOIZ ..go-round 14:05 and departed to Bristol
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 17:24 via St.Hilary is Beech Sundowner G-BBTY ..landed 18:14
Landing at 17:41 is PA-34 G-JANN
Aeros didn't fly today
BAMC Happenings
Due out at 10:30 to Heathrow is "Speedbird 9171" B744 G-BNLW ..departed 10:56

Pic credit Phil Woods
Tremorfa Heliport
Landing c17:13 is "Pipeline 11"
Tower Transits
Westbound at 12:35 along the coast to Castlemartin Range via the Lavernock Point VRP is "Ascot 1507" 32(TR)Sqn A109 ZR322 ..passed South of Cardiff Airport at 12:42 ..returned Eastbound via Port Talbot at 17:20 and the Severn Bridges to Colchester Barracks
Over the Top
00:27 WB FL380 at DIKAS ROJ04 A6-DAS BBJ
05:00 EB Descending at NUMPO N900JG F9EX
06:10 EB Descending at NUMPO N570DC GLF4
07:59 EB FL450 at DIKAS N540M GLF5
08:01 EB FL400 N of NUMPO N168WM GLF4
08:08 EB descending at DIKAS N707BC GALX
08:10 WB FL200 at NUMPO TLB331 F-GPYY B192
08:13 EB FL330 at DIKAS C-GAWH CL60
08:55 WB descending at TOPRO HB-IUW F900
09:51 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 406" 07-7180 C-17A
10:00 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 179" 96-0008 C-17A
10:15 EB FL350 at NUMPO "Reach 202" 03-3114 C-17A
10:41 WB climbing at TOPRO N7600P F900
1045 EB FL430 at NUMPO N922QS C750
11:05 WB FL350 at DIKAS A9C-HAK B74S
11:45 EB descending at NUMPO N33XE GLF5
11:50 WB FL400 at DIKAS N282Q GLF5
13:28 WB FL320 at TOPRO "Reach 334" 02-1112 C-17A
14:15 WB FL380 at DIKAS N513DL CL60
14:24 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 354" 99-0064 C-17A
14:42 WB FL300 at DIKAS VP-CGN G550
15:06 WB FL340 at TOPRO PAT17 04-1778 C-37B
16:00 EB FL310 at NUMPO VDA???? RA-82047 A124
16:34 WB FL430 at DIKAS N372BG G550
17:30 WB FL400 at DIKAS GTH88 N888ZF GLF4
18:22 WB FL400 at DIKAS N204CE F2TH
18:24 WB FL400 at DIKAS N508QS GLF5
18:45 EB FL370 at DIKAS N955H CL30
18:54 WB climbing at TOPRO N662CP G550
19:01 EB FL410 at DIKAS SQU1 N960SF F900
19:37 EB FL450 at DIKAS N729TY GLF4
19:59 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 336" 06-6166 C-17A
20:22 EB FL370 at DIKAS N11AM LJ60
21:07 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 227" 90-0535 C-17A
22:18 EB descending at TOPRO "Buzzy 32" 88-1803 MC-130H Mildenhall
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