Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30 12 06:30 30 07:44 12 11:53
Parked at the club is DA.42 Twin Star N228US
Also parked at the club is Cessna T206H EI-SPB ..departed at 14:38 to Dublin
Inbound at 11:47 from Swansea is PA-38 Tomahawk G-BOHU ..landed 11:55 parking at the club ..departed at 12:42 back to Swansea ..inbound again at 15:00 ..landed 15:20 parking at the club ..departed at 16:01 back to Swansea

Pic credit Mark Pearce
Inbound at 12:32 is Thruxton based PA-28-235 Cherokee Pathfinder G-CCBH ..landed 12:40 parking at the club ..departed at 13:40 home to Thruxton
Inbound at 12:43 from Cambridge is "Saxonair 35A" King Air 350 G-KLNB ..landed 12:50 parking on the Norman apron ..departed with Delia at 18:06 back to Cambridge with the same c/s

Pic credit Mark Pearce
Inbound at 14:30 is Europa G-BXGG ..landed 14:45 parking at the club ..departed at 16:05 via Wenvoe

Pic credit Mark Pearce
Inbound at 19:15 is "Tyrol Ambulance 864" C560 Citation V OE-GAA ..landed 19:27 parking on stand 15
Training Flights
Inbound at 16:53 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is "Ascot 067" LTW Hercules C.5 ZH880/880 ..developed a fault and departed the hold to Lyneham at 17:04
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Parked on stand 17 is Scot Airways D328 G-BYMK ..departed at 19:32 to Norwich as SAY932
Due in from Parma at 01:00 is EZE1720 SB20 G-CFLV ..landed 00:51 parking on stand 12 ..departed at 12:25 to Norwich as "Eastflight 720P"
Inbound at 13:45 from Paris is last nights delayed BEE1436 Dash 8 G-ECOI ..landed 14:06 parking on stand 9 ..departed at 14:53 to Aldergrove as BEE034P
Based Aircraft Movements
Aeros active today: G-BOPC, G-BGIB
Departing at 08:23 to Zurich is DragonFly Beech 200 G-MEGN ..landed home 20:00
Departing at 10:40 to the South is Beagle B121 Pup G-AZCZ ..landed 11:58
Airborne at 11:02 into the circuit is Sky Arrow G-BYCY ..landed 11:37
Inbound at 12:51 is DragonFly Beech 200 G-BVMA ..landed 13:10
Airborne at 13:06 into the circuit is Commander 112B G-CRIL ..departed the circuit at 13:30 to the Northeast ..landed 14:42
Departing at 13:11 to the North is Aeronca Chief G-BRWR ..landed 13:54 ..departed at 16:03 via St.Hilary with the Tiger Moth ..landed 16:36
Airborne at 15:24 into the circuit is Tiger Moth G-ANFI ..landed 15:38 ..departed at 16:03 via St.Hilary with the Aeronca ..landed 16:36 ..up again 16:57 ..landed 17:15

Pic credit Mark Pearce
MOD St Athan Runway in use 26
Police ASU EC135T2 active today: G-WONN "Police 32"

Pic credit StuC UWAS Tutors active today: G-BYVW, G-BYWA
634VGS Vigilants active today: ZH209/UQ, ZH249/UU, ZJ962/SK
Tower Transits
Eastbound at 16:23 passing South of the airport at 3,500' and inbound to Kemble is Challenger 300 VP-BEK
Over the Top
00:40 EB FL410 NUMPO>SAM N401QS GLF4
01:25 EB FL350 at EXMOR MOV772 RA-73008 B752
01:48 WB FL430 at TALGA N885AR GLF4
02:08 EB descending at NUMPO N416QS GLF4 ..inbound Luton
02:51 EB FL410 at TOPRO N520E GLF4
03:07 WB FL340 N of TALGA "Camber 396" N621AX DC10
03:34 EB FL340 at DIKAS "Reach 533" 07-7182 C-17A
03:51 EB FL420 at NUMPO N699AK HA4T
04:45 EB FL330 at TALGA "Reach 402" 90-0534 C-17A
05:21 EB FL350 at DIKAS N999PX CL64
06:18 EB FL360 at NUMPO "Camber 572" N764NA B763
06:37 EB FL380 at BCN CWC4853 N988AR MD11
06:40 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 194" 05-5143 C-17A
10:40 EB FL330 at TOPRO "Reach 157" 68-0211 C-5A
10:58 NB descending at CDF "Beauport 502" G-XAVB C510
11:31 EB FL350 at NUMPO "Reach 115" 03-3115 C-17A
12:40 EB FL350 N of NUMPO "Reach 252" 00-1080 C-17A
13:04 WB FL360 at TOPRO CFC3005 144615 CC144B
13:07 NB descending at DIKAS VP-BEK CL30
13:08 WB FL320 S of CDF "Reach 277" 04-4134 C-17A
13:26 WB climbing at TOPRO N416QS GLF4
13:49 WB FL430 N of DIKAS N405LM GLF5
14:20 NB FL330 W of CDF "Fraction 263M" CS-DFU C56X
14:52 WB FL380 at DIKAS N219AX GALX
14:39 NB climbing E of CDF C6-IUN H25B
16:15 EB descending at DIKAS N292CS C680
15:26 WB FL400 at DIKAS N45AC GLF4
16:20 WB FL320 at TOPRO "Fraction 4EX" CS-DMB BE40
16:57 WB FL300 S of CDF "Reach 524" 08-8191 C-17A
17:30 WB climbing at TOPRO N511QS GLF5
17:51 NB FL380 at EXMOR N703TM FA50
17:51 WB FL300 N of TOPRO "Reach 166" 07-7171 C-17A
18:11 WB FL300 at CDF "Reach 148" 01-0186 C-17A
18:40 EB FL450 at DIKAS VP-CZK GL5T
18:57 EB descending at NUMPO N57EL F2TH
21:01 WB FL300 at CDF "Reach 232" 07-7170 C-17A
21:01 EB descending at NUMPO OPT978 N978DB C750
23:51 EB FL370 N of NUMPO CKS343 N790CK B742
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