Parked on the Cambrian apron with Global Trek is Jetstream 31-02 G-NFLA ..carried out local flights as:
CFD10K "Cranfield 10K" ..airborne 10:30 ..landed 11:02
CFD10L "Cranfield 10L" ..airborne 11:25 ..landed 11:54
CFD10M "Cranfield 10M" ..airborne 14:24 ..landed 14:53
CFD10N "Cranfield 10N" ..airborne 15:16 ..landed 15:49
Landing at 12:30 from Aldergrove is AAC522 "Armyair 522" Defender T.3 ZH004 ..parking on the Cambrian apron with Global Trek ..departed at 13:42 to Cranwell with the same c/s
Landing at 15:38 from Gloucester is "GBFEK" Cessna F152 G-BFEK ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 16:07 back to Gloucester
Landing at 18:18 from Breighton is "N95VB" Beech C90GTi King Air N95VB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 19:09 to Sleap
Training today were:
"GVICC" PA-28-161 Warrior II G-VICC ..go-rounds 16:05, 16:32 and departed back to Kenble
"GLHXD" DA42NG Twin Star G-LHXD ..go-round 17:35 and departed back to Bournemouth via the CDF hold
Residents active today: G-BXIF, G-CRIL, G-GFCA, G-NICB, G-SUEM, G-SUEO
St Athan Airfield Airfield open 09:00-17:00 ..runway in use 07
Residents active today: G-AMZT, G-EECY, G-EEKY, G-MCGU
Departing at 16:18 to the North is "GPROV" Jet Provost T.52 G-PROV
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