S.W.A.G. Information Box
Sunday, February 21, 2010
LOG Sunday 21/02/2010
Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30 ..to 12 20:20
Training Flights
Inbound at 12:05 for an ATC-requested SRA approach whilst enroute to Swansea is PA-28 G-AXTL ..go-round 12:18 and continued West ..returned Eastbound at 13:20 to Bristol
Inbound at 13:00 from Swansea for two approaches is Tomahawk G-BOHU ..go-rounds at 13:23, 13:50 and returned to Swansea
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Due in from Bridgetown at 05:50 is TOM125 B763 G-DBLA ..landed 05:36 parking on stand 7 ..departed at 08:30 to Exeter as TOM138F
Departing at 11:54 to East Midlands is BMI9471 B733 G-TOYD
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 12:55 to Gloucester is Airtourer G-AZOF ..landed 15:20
Departing at 13:17 to the Northwest is PA-32 Chrokee Six G-AZDJ ..landed 14:03
Departing at 14:24 to the North is Beagle B121 Pup G-AZCZ ..landed 15:10
Departing at 14:51 via St Hilary is PA-38 Tomahawk G-GALL ..landed 15:38
MOD St Athan Runway in use 26
634VGS Vigilants active today: ZH249/UU
Over the Top
Below FL160
Departing from Cowbridge at 10:07 is Enstrom 480B G-CUDY for the short hop to South Cornelly ..departed there at 10:51 across the Bristol Channel ..returned home at 17:35
Eastbound at 13:10 to a site North of Llandow is "Helimed 57A" EC135 G-WASN ..returned to Swansea at 13:25 as "Helimed 57E"
Eastbound at 13:55 from Swansea to Wellesbourne-Mountford is PA-28 Archer II G-BYSP
Westbound at 15:27 from Exeter to Swansea is Robin DR.400 Regent G-CGGO ..headed back to Exeter at 16:35
Above FL160
09:15 "RSAF 901" C-130H 472 EB descending STU-ALVIN-LYN ..4 Sqn Jeddah
10:46 "Auto 72" KC-135T 58-0071 EB FL370 GAPLI-MAM ..6thAMW MacDill AFB FL
11:14 "N10HZ" F900 N10HZ WB FL360 CPT-STU ..Bank of America
12:14 "Reach 854" KC-135R 59-1469 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..756thARS AFRC JB Andrews MD
12:58 "Reach 698" C-17A 97-0041 EB FL350 SOMAX-MAM ..437thAW JB Charleston SC [ex 97thAMW]
13:12 "Reach 304" C-17A 00-0178 EB FL370 GAPLI-MAM ..62ndAW McChord AFB, WA
13:18 "N460F" CL60 N460F WB FL400 CPT-ABAPO ..Bon Voyage Ventures
13:47 "XARGB" F900 XA-RGB EB descending STU-DIKAS ..Transportes Aereos Ejecutivos
13:50 "MDINO" C525 M-DINO NB descending EXMOR-BCN ..John Nicholas Bentley
14:58 "Kaiser 92" GLF5 N225EE EB descending EVRIN-KENET ..Kaiser Air Inc [Gallatin Field KBZN-Farnborough]
15:25 LCO1500 B763 CC-CZY EB FL330 SWANY-NUMPO ..LAN Airlines
15:26 "N128AB" GLF4 N128AB WB FL410 DIKAS-STU ..Prime Jet LLC
16:30 "SAM 6630" C-37A 99-0402 WB FL400 CPT-TOPRO ..99thAS/89thAW JB Andrews, MD
16:47 "Reach 845" DC-10 N522AX WB FL379 CPT-STU ..Omni Air International
17:12 "PAT 63" C-37A 02-1863 WB FL400 CPT-STU ..USAPAT JB Andrews MD
17:20 "N113CS" GLF4 N113CS WB CPT-STU ..SPI G-IV Owner
17:20 "MSKZL" CL60 M-SKZL WB FL400 CPT-LIPGO ..Kerzner International Management
17:22 "LXZAK" GLEX LX-ZAK EB decending STU-NUMPO ..Global Jet Luxembourg
18:40 "N88WR" BBJ N88WR WB FL360 CPT-STU ..Wynn Resorts
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Notice to Readers: You are fully welcome to use information from our site, all we ask is that the South Wales Aviation Group are credited. Please don't copy whole sections of the blog for use on your own site. The site is produced by aviation enthusiasts for aviation enthusiasts and is not intended for official use in any way ..regards the SWAG team.
Editorial Information: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins
Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG
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Aircraft Logs - Archive
- LOG Sunday 28/02/2010
- BOARDS Sunday 28/02/2010
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- LOG Thursday 25/02/2010
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- BOARDS Monday 22/02/2010
- LOG Sunday 21/02/2010
- BOARDS Sunday 21/02/2010
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- BOARDS Saturday 20/02/2010
- LOG Friday 19/02/2010
- BOARDS Friday 19/02/2010
- LOG Thursday 18/02/2010
- BOARDS Thursday 18/02/2010
- LOG Wednesday 17/02/2010
- BOARDS Wednesday 17/02/2010
- LOG Tuesday 16/02/2010
- BOARDS Tuesday 16/02/2010
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- BOARDS Monday 15/02/2010
- LOG Sunday 14/02/2010
- BOARDS Sunday 14/02/2010
- LOG Saturday 13/02/2010
- BOARDS Saturday 13/02/2010
- LOG Friday 12/02/2010
- BOARDS Friday 12/02/2010
- LOG Thursday 11/02/2010
- BOARDS Thursday 11/02/2010
- LOG Wednesday 10/02/2010
- BOARDS Wednesday 10/02/2010
- LOG Tuesday 09/02/2010
- BOARDS Tuesday 09/02/2010
- LOG Monday 08/02/2010
- BOARDS Monday 08/02/2010
- LOG Sunday 07/02/2010
- BOARDS Sunday 07/02/2010
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- BOARDS Saturday 06/02/2010
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- BOARDS Friday 05/02/2010
- LOG Thursday 04/02/2010
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- LOG Wednesday 03/02/2010
- BOARDS Wednesday 03/02/2010
- LOG Tuesday 02/02/2010
- BOARDS Tuesday 02/02/2010
- LOG Monday 01/02/2010
- BOARDS Monday 01/02/2010
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