Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30
Parked at the club is DA.42 Twin Star N228US
Parked on Golf is C560XL Citation XLS CS-DXD ..departed at 09:45 to Malaga as "Fraction 3EU"
Inbound at 11:27 from the East is "Fast Track 43" PA-28 Warrior II G-EVTO ..landed 11:43 parking at the club ..departed at 12:48

Pic credit Hugh Trainer
Inbound at 11:32 via the Flat Holm VRP is "Blackadder 30" PA-28 Cadet G-BXTZ ..landed 11:47 parking at the club ..departed at 12:06
Diverting in from the West at 14:00 due to poor weather on a flight from Sandtoft to Haverfordwest is PA-46 Malibu N9275Y ..landed 14:23 parking at the club
Training Flights
Inbound to the CDF hold at 07:45 prior to some approaches is "Ascot 205" LTW Hercules C.5 ZH880/880 ..go-rounds 08:03, 08:14 and departed to Exeter
Inbound to the CDF hold at 08:20 prior to an approach is "Brunel 6" ..go-round at 09:00 and departed to the South
Inbound to the CDF hold at 15:10 prior to some approaches is "Blackadder 08" Beech 76 G-BZNN ..go-rounds 15:47 & 16:02 ..landed 16:26 parking at the club for a cuppa ..airborne at 17:28 to the CDF for more approaches ..go-rounds 18:00 & 18:21 then departed to Bournemouth
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Parked on stand 10 is Thomas Cook A320 G-TCAC
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 09:39 to Palma is DragonFly Beech 200 G-MEGN ..inbound 17:32 ..landed 17:48
MOD St Athan Runway in use 26
Active with the Police ASU today: EC135T2+ G-WONN
UWAS Tutors active today: G-BYWA
Over the Top
02:48 WB FL340 N of TALGA "Camber 421" N729AX DC10
03:07 EB FL370 at TALGA PR-BBS BBJ
04:06 EB descending N of CDF N40TH F2TH
04:56 EB FL350 at TALGA "Reach 028" 04-4129 C-17A
05:00 NB FL180 at EXMOR CNB2200 HA-TCO AN26
05:02 EB FL320 at TOPRO ACE771 9G-AED DC86
06:32 EB descending at TALGA N575NR C56X
07:08 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 100" 88-0266 C-17A
07:11 EB FL330 at NUMPO "Reach 281" 08-8191 C-17A
07:35 EB FL360 S of CDF "Reach 198" 08-8204 C-17A

Pic credit IanG 07:38 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 373" 07-7169 C-17A
07:58 WB climbing at TOPRO N874RA GLF3
07:58 EB FL350 at TOPRO "Reach 291" 02-1110 C-17A
09:27 EB FL410 S of DIKAS N6VB GLEX
10:06 WB FL239 at DIKAS BAF603 CH-08 C-130H
10:06 SB FL291 E of CDF M-CEXL C560
10:44 WB FL320 S of CDF "Reach 534" 98-0050 C-17A
11:07 WB FL400 at DIKAS "Jetspeed 100" N100HG GLF4
11:35 SB FL31 E of CDF "Fraction 427N" CS-DXG C56X
12:07 WB FL340 at TOPRO "Emerald 010" EI-WFI CL60
12:19 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 610" 06-6158 C-17A
12:20 EB FL450 at TOPRO N540CH GLEX
12:38 EB FL450 at TOPRO N701WH GLEX
13:14 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 621" 89-1189 C-17A
13:44 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 602" 97-0041 C-17A
13:44 WB climbing at EXMOR "Reach 544" 00-1082 C-17A
13:52 WB descending at TOPRO M-MSGG GALX
13:56 WB FL180 at DIKAS C-GYCG L188 ..ex G-FIJR
13:58 WB FL400 at TOPRO TC-FIN H25B
14:12 WB FL320 at DIKAS VDA4424 RA-82078 A124
14:55 SB descending at EXMOR "Voyageur 700" C-GLOL DHC7 Exeter
14:56 WB FL430 at DIKAS BMW51 N550BM G550
15:33 WB climbing at TOPRO EJM7 N667LC CL60
15:44 WB FL400 at DIKAS ACE772P 9G-AED DC86
16:05 WB FL400 at DIKAS N422QS GLF4
17:52 EB descending at NUMPO VP-CGN G550
18:12 WB climbing at TOPRO DCS746 D-ADCB G550
22:27 WB FL360 at TOPRO ROJ04 A6-DAS BBJ
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