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Monday, February 14, 2011

LOG Monday 14/02/2011

Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30 12 11:20 30 13:09 12 17:59
Parked at the club is Cessna F182Q N182GC
Inbound at 10:39 with a birdstrike is "Python 2" 19(R)Sqn/4 FTS Hawk T.1A XX317/317 ..landed 10:55 on 12 and parking on Golf
Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 10:39 with the above is "Python 1" 208(R)Sqn/4 FTS Hawk T.1A XX194/194 ..go-round 10:55 on 12 and departed to Valley
Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 14:42 is "Reptile" 2x 4FTS Hawk T.1As XX247/247 & (XX286/286 ?) ..pairs landing at 14:57 and parking on Golf ..departed together at 15:49 to the West at low level
Training Flights
Carrying out a go-round at 09:30 was Diamond DA42 G-CTCD ..departed to Bournemouth
Carrying out a go-round at 10:16 was Diamond DA42 G-CTCH ..departed to Bournemouth
Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 10:20 for an approach is "Fast Track 86T" PA-34 ..go-round 10:37 and departed to Gloucester
Inbound at 10:40 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is "Blackadder 06" Beech 76 G-CBBF ..go-round 11:32 and departed to Bournemouth
Inbound at 12:45 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is "Brunel 6" PA-34 G-FILE ..go-round 13:10 off 12 and departed to Bristol
Inbound at 15:15 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is DA42 G-CTCD ..go-round 15:39 and departed to Bournemouth
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Parked on stand 16 is Monarch AL A321 G-OZBN ..departed at 10:12 to Dublin as MON042P
Picture credit Phil Woods
Due in from Edinburgh at 12:40 is BE8525 E195 G-FBEG ..landed 12:37 parking on stand 7 ..departed at 13:29 back to Edinburgh as BE086P
Picture credit Phil Woods
Due out to Norwich at 19:05 is TOM5256F "Thomson 3KD" B738 G-FDZT ..departed at 19:37
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 07:37 to Manchester is DragonFly Beech 200 G-BVMA ..landed home 13:54
Departing at 09:18 via Flat Holm is Commander 112B G-CRIL
Departing at 11:27 to Bournemouth is PA-34 G-JANN ..landed home 14:01
Departing at 20:24 to Newcastle is DragonFly Beech 200 G-MEGN
Tremorfa Heliport
Landing c12:05 for a rotors-running refuel is Bell 206B G-ENES ..departed c12:09 to Lisvane
Visiting this afternoon was "Rainbow" S-76C G-XXEB
Tower Transits
Eastbound at 11:58 S of St.Athan on a flight from West Wales to Bourne is Cessna FR172J G-YBAA
Inbound from Swansea at 16:17 to an incident at Cowbridge is "Helimed 57A" EC135T G-WASN ..landed c16:27 ..lifted 16:56 to the Heath ..landed there c17:02 ..departed c17:42 home to Swansea
Over the Top
04:32 EB FL370 at DIKAS "Reach 333" 08-8198 C-17A
05:18 EB FL340 at DIKAS "Reach 213" 07-7184 C-17A
07:00 EB FL320 at CDF EFF005 EI-GDL GLF5 [KMRY/Monterey Peninsula > EGGW/Luton]
08:10 EB FL160 at NUMPO RSF901 1625 C-130H
08:40 EB FL350 at NUMPO PH-RID C680
10:08 WB FL240 at DIKAS M-ICKY PC12
10:56 EB FL250 at DIKAS CNV3033 165351 C-130T
11:45 EB FL390 at NUMPO F-HAKP CL30
12:11 WB FL400 at DIKAS CNV4956 165834 C-40A
13:15 EB FL390 at DIKAS "Reach 029" 04-4134 C-17A
14:08 NB FL360 at CDF EC-FGM MD-88 [LEMD/Madrid > BIKF/Keflavik > KBGR/Bangor]
14:19 EB FL410 at DIKAS BGT16 LN-BAC C25A
16:53 EB FL390 at NUMPO BVR101 D-ASTS CL60 [KMDW/Chicago > CYQX/Gander > EDSB/Baden Airpark]
16:55 WB FL320 at DIKAS S966 99-0004 C-32A
17:06 WB FL400 at TOPRO SPAR70 99-0402 C-37A
17:23 WB descending N of CDF D-INCS C525 Swansea
17:54 EB descending at NUMPO N212VZ G400
18:07 EB descending S of NUMPO N577JC C750 [KDPA/Chicago Dupage > CYQX/Gander > EGSS/Stansted]
18:43 EB descending at NUMPO N501CV GLF5
18:47 EB descending at NUMPO N310U F2TH
18:52 EB descending at NUMPO N2BD F900 [KTEB/Teterboro > EGGW/Luton]
19:44 WB FL400 at TOPRO TC-KHB G450
19:54 EB descending S of NUMPO N30XC CL30 [CYQX/Gander > EGGW/Luton]

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: You are fully welcome to use information from our site, all we ask is that the South Wales Aviation Group are credited. Please don't copy whole sections of the blog for use on your own site. The site is produced by aviation enthusiasts for aviation enthusiasts and is not intended for official use in any way ..regards the SWAG team.

Editorial Information
: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins

Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG

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