Inbound at 11:30 from Southend is PA-28R-201 Arrow G-CBPI ..landed 11:41 parking at the club ..departed at 15:13 via Wenvoe

Picture credit Geoff Jones
Inbound at 14:05 is Guimbal Cabri G2 G-UIMB ..landed 14:14 parking on the Norman apron ..departed at 14:51 to the Northeast

Picture credit Geoff Jones
Inbound at 14:05 from Swansea is PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BOMO ..landed 14:20 parking at the club ..departed at 14:59 back to Swansea
Training today were:
Mooney M20F D-EKNA ..go-rounds 10:46, 11:08 and departed to Gloucester
Mooney M20F D-EKNA ..go-rounds 14:48, 15:02 and departed to Gloucester
Inbound at 07:50 from Glasgow with the FIFA World Cup is "OYRUE" MD-83 OY-RUE ..landed 08:17 parking on Echo

Picture credit Hugh Trainer
Due in from Edinburgh at 11:00 is EXS102C "Channex 102C" B733 G-CELR ..landed 10:38 parking on Stand 10 ..departed at 12:57 back to Edinburgh as EXS6030 "Channex 6030"

Picture credit Geoff Jones
Due out c15:30 to Cranfield is LNQ100T "Fast Link 100T" JS31 G-GAVA ..departed at 15:30
Due in c17:25 from Cranfield is LNQ101T "Fast Link 101T" JS31 G-JIBO ..landed 17:31 parking on Stand 17
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BBTY, G-BYCY, G-KSIR, G-MEGN
Inbound at 11:05 from Swansea is "VGL 615" Vigilant T.1 ZH189/UB ..landed 11:16 parking on the Metro ..departed at 12:04 back to Swansea
11:44 EB FL370 at DIKAS "Reach 808" C-17A 00-0180
14:05 WB FL280 at TOPRO "Reach 147" C-17A 08-8198
15:11 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 973" C-17A 06-6154
17:56 WB FL340 N of TOPRO "Reach 268" C-17A 97-0041
19:23 WB FL220 at DIKAS "Convoy 3642" C-130T 165314
19:39 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 258" C-5M 85-0007
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