Landing at 13:22 from Glasgow is GMA677 "Gama 677" Beech B200 King Air G-PCOP ..parking on the Cambrian apron
Landing at 13:29 is "GBSTZ" PA-28-140 Cherokee F G-BSTZ ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:34 to the Northeast
Landing at 14:06 from Doncaster is CGD22B "Coastguard 22B" Beech B200 King Air G-HMGB ..parking on the Cambrian apron with Global Trek ..departed at 15:06 back to Doncaster with the same c/s
Landing at 14:48 from Jersey is GMA783 "Gama 783" Cessna 560XL Citation XLS+ G-OJER ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 16:23 back to Jersey with the same c/s
Training today were:
HLE67Z "Helimed 67Z" H145 G-WOBR ..go-rounds 11:28, 11:45, 12:04 and departed to the Northeast
"GKYLA" SR22G3 GTS G-KYLA ..go-rounds 15:25, 15:38, 15:54 and departed back to Kemble
MDI01 "MedOps 01" Diamond DA62 G-JAAM ..touch'n'go 17:26 from Blackpool and departed to East Midlands
Residents active today: G-BGGE, G-BOPC, G-CCYS, G-CRIL
Parked on stand 3 is TUI B738 G-FDZY (Sunwing tail)
Landing at 13:43 from LFPG/Charles de Gaulle is FPO811P "French Post 811P" B737 F-GZTP ..parking on stand 9 ..departed at 15:01 to LFMN/Nice is FPO811 "French Post 811"
Picture credit IanG
See BAMC 2021 link for current inmates (B777 x6, B789 x1)
Landing at 12:31 from Heathrow is BAW9178 "Speedbird 9178" B772 G-YMMJ
Picture credit IanG
St Athan Airfield Airfield open 09:00-17:00 ..runway in use 07
Residents active today: G-AXIR, G-EEKY, G-MCGU, G-NWOI
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