Training Flights
Carrying out approaches today were:
10:20 DA42 TwinStar G-CTCH ..departed to Bournemouth
13:17 "Vortex 532" Odiham Wing Chinook HC.2 ZD574 ..departed to Pembrey Range
15:08, 15:16 "Oxford 61" PA-34 Seneca G-BCVY ..departed to Oxford
15:23 "Brunel 6" PA-34 Seneca G-FILE ..departed to Bristol
16:16 "Brunel 2" PA-34 Seneca G-MAIR ..departed to Bristol
Due out c10:30 to Gloucester is FKI727T "Kiel Air 727T" D228 D-IFLM ..departed at 10:31 ..inbound at 14:28 ..landed 14:47 and back to stand 12
Due out to Bodrum at 18:55 is TCX770P "Kestrel 770P" A320 G-OMYA ..departed at 19:03
Due out to Bodrum at 20:10 is TOM532F "Thomson 532" B752 G-OOBB ..departed at 20:24
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BVMA, G-OPET
Due out to Heathrow is BAW9171 "Speedbird 9171" B772 G-ZZZC ..departed at 16:05
Road Runner
Noted Southbound on the A4232 towards Culverhouse Cross at 16:25 were two Army Lynx cabins on two lorries. Pictures suggest these are the two that disappeared from St.Athan last year, XZ209 and XZ646.
Police ASU EC135T2 active today: G-WONN "Police 32"
Landing at 07:56 from Cardiff for some filming is Beech D18S G-BKGL/1164 ..airborne at 10:10 for one circuit ..landed 10:13
03:42 EB FL350 at TOPRO "Reach 311" 07-7186 C-17
04:55 EB FL410 at TOPRO N815PA CL64
07:16 EB FL390 N of CDF "Dubai 008" A6-GGP B744
07:19 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 536" 02-1098 C-17A
08:35 EB FL350 at TOPRO "Reach 554" 00-0182 C-17A
08:49 WB FL360 at TOPRO D-CFGG LJ35
08:59 WB climbing N of DIKAS N534QS GLF5 [EGLF/Farnborough > EIDW/Dublin]
10:17 WB FL400 at DIKAS VP-CNR G550 [LFMN/Nice > KEWR/Newark]
10:19 WB FL380 at DIKAS I-SEAS F900
10:35 NB FL240 at CDF N1340L BE20 [LFBO/Toulouse > EGPC/Wick > BIRK/Reykjavik]
11:01 EB FL330 at TOPRO "Reach 740" 00-0174 C-17A
11:51 WB FL400 at DIKAS "Falcon 1" 01-0076 C-37A
12:11 EB FL370 at BCN "Reach 580" 93-0600 C-17A
12:53 WB climbing at DIKAS N552GA G550
18:00 EB FL370 at BCN CNV4856 166694 C-40A
18:15 WB climbing N of DIKAS N1454H GLF5
21:00 WB FL320 S of CDF "Reach 841" 98-0049 C-17A