Parked on the Cambrian apron is Bombardier Challenger 850 9H-ILY

Picture credit Mark Pierce
Landing at 05:46 is Brize Norton fog diversion "Ascot 5871" Hercules C.4 ZH870 ..parking on stand 6 ..departed at 14:53 to Brize Norton with the same c/s

Picture credit Mark Pierce
Landing at 13:02 from Northolt is NJE159F "Fraction 159F" Gulfstream G550 CS-DKI ..parking on the Cambrian apron

Picture credit Keith Morgan
Landing at 14:15 is PA-28-161 Warrior II G-BHOR ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:27
Landing at 14:19 is Cessna R172K Hawk XP G-BPWR ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:05
Training today were:
"Dartmoor 01" Beech 76 Duchess G-JLRW ..go-round 10:58 and departed to Exeter
"Tester 74" BAe.146-RJ100 QQ101 ..go-rounds 14:30, 14:44 and departed to Boscombe Down

Picture credit Keith Morgan
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCF ..go-round 15:36 and departed to Bournemouth
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCF ..go-round 18:53 and departed to Bournemouth
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Landing at 18:17 from Dublin is BEE031P "Jersey 031P" RJ85 EI-RJO ..parking on stand 1 (for the London City sched)
Landing at 21:51 is Las Palmas-Exeter fog diversion TOM6171 "Thomson 8KC" B738 G-FDZU ..parking on stand 3
Landing at 22:11 is Newcastle-Exeter fog diversion BEE708 "Jersey 9CJ" DH8D G-ECOJ ..parking on stand 5
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-EGBJ
Landing at 17:33 from Gatwick is BAW9179 "Speedbird 9179" B772 G-YMMR
Residents active today: G-BYVB, G-BYVS, G-NWOI
Interesting OTT
08:17 EB FL330 at DIKAS "Reach 110" C-17A 07-7187
09:58 EB FL330 at TALGA "Reach 978" C-17A 07-7170