Parked on Golf is PA-42-720 Cheyenne IIIA OK-MPM ..departed at 08:04 to LIEA/Alghero, Sardinia as BOH621 "Bohemian 621"
Landing at 12:56 from Newquay is "N2299L" Beech F33A Bonanza N2299L ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:36 to Stornoway
Training today were:
"Comet 457" Atlas C.1 ZM416 ..go-rounds 12:50, 13:03, 13:16, 13:29 and departed back to Brize Norton

Picture credit IanG
Parked on Echo is A339 F-WTTN ..departed at 10:21 on a test flight as AIB39TN "Airbus 39TN" ..landed 13:49 parking back on Echo ..departed at 16:40 on another air test with the same c/s ..landed 18:28 parking back on Echo ..departs back to Toulouse tomorrow

Picture credit Keith Morgan
Landing at 13:41 from LFPG/Paris CDG is MLT424 "Maleth 424" B733 9H-BRE ..parking on stand 9 ..departed at 14:39 to Bournemouth as MLT42F "Maleth 42F"

Picture credit IanG
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: 2-DITO (to St Athan), G-BOPC, G-BXIF, G-WARO