Parked on the Cambrian apron is DA42M-NG Twin Star G-FFMV ..departed c 08:00 to the North as "Zodiac 11" ..landed 11:10 parking back on the Cambrian apron ..departed to the North at 14:05 as "Zodiac 21" ..landed 15:15 parking back on the Cambrian apron
Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing c 09:30 is CFD10P "Aeronaut 10P" Jetstream 31 G-NFLA ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 16:13 as CFD10E "Aeronaut 10E" ..landed 16:49 parking back on the Cambrian apron
Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing c 10:30 is JTR2E "Jester 2E" Cessna 550 Citation Bravo G-JBLZ ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 11:38
Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 16:38 from EDDS/Düsseldorf is "DCAWR" Cessna 560 Citation Encore+ D-CAWR
Landing at 16:55 from EHRD/Rotterdam is "PHDAM" Piaggio P-180 Avanti II PH-DAM ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 23:06 back to Rotterdam
Landing at 21:16 from Stansted is SYG301 "Synergy 301" Beech B200 Super Kingair G-DXTR
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