Parked on the Cambrian apron is DA42M-NG Twin Star G-FFMV ..departed at 09:46 to the North as "Zodiac 11" ..landed 11:17 parking back on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 14:14 "Zodiac 21" ..landed 15:30 parking back on the Cambrian apron
Picture credit Mark Little
Landing at 09:50 is "GBHJO" PA-28-161 Warrior II G-BHJO ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 10:19
Landing at 11:14 is "GSUEO" DA40D Diamond Star G-SUEO ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:44
Picture credit Phil Watkins
Landing c 11:22 is "N121JF" Beech F.33A Bonanza N121JF ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:01
Picture credit Phil Watkins
Landing at 11:55 from the East is "GEGGS" Robiin DR.400-180 Regent G-EGGS ..parking on the GA apron ..departed c 14:00 to Gloucester
Picture credit Mark Little
Landing c 11:25 from Denham is "News Flight 2" Robinson R44 Raven II G-PIXL ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:30 back to Denham with the same c/s (photo ship for Qatar A359)
Picture credit IanG
Training today were:
"Police 32" EC135P2+ G-NWOI ..go-round 09:25 to St Athan
OXF26 "Oxford 26" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFE ..go-round 11:06 and departed back to Oxford
Landing at 17:35 from BIKF/Keflavik is ICE1564 "Iceair 1564" B752 TF-ISK ..parking on stand 10 ..departed at 19:21 to BIAR/Akureyri as ICE1565 "Iceair 1565"
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-AZCZ (to St Athan), G-BGBK
Residents active today: G-AZCZ (from Cardiff), G-BYUC, G-BYVB, G-BYVW, G-CILN, G-JANN, G-NWOI
Picture credit Malcolm Bradbury
Picture credit Keith Morgan
Landing at 14:30 from the East is "PHAMI" Cirrus SR20 PH-AMI ..parking at eCube ..departed at 17:00 to the Northeast
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