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Thursday, June 30, 2011

LOG Thursday 30/06/2011

Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30

Parked at the club is Cessna 182S G-ZINC ..departed at 11:25 home to Enstone
Parked on Golf is Gulfstream G3 N711EG ..departed at 17:48 to Luton
Inbound at 10:10 from Gloucester is PA-28-161 Warrior III G-WARO ..landed 10:22 parking at the club ..departed at 11:24
Inbound at 10:30 from the East is PA-28-161 Cadet G-GFCA ..landed 10:40 parking at the club ..departed at 11:28
Inbound at 13:25 from Sandown is Reims-Cessna F.172M G-BEZR ..landed 13:41 parking at the club ..departed at 16:08 home to the Isle of Wight
Inbound at 16:35 from Carlisle is Beech 58 Baron N64VB ..landed 16:47 parking at the club ..departed 17:04
Inbound at 18:20 is Cessna F.182Q Skylane N182GC ..landed 18:32 parking at the club

Training Flights
Inbound at 17:55 for an approach is "Oxford 22" PA-34 Seneca G-BOUM ..go-round at 18:11 and departed to the East

Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Departing to Glasgow at 15:35 is "Kestrel 701P" A320 G-KKAZ 

Based Aircraft Movements

MOD St Athan Runway in use 26
Police ASU EC135T2 active today: G-WONN "Police 32"
UWAS Tutors active today: G-BYVW, G-BYWA

Over the Top
00:49 EB FL410 at NUMPO N317MJ GLF4
02:18 WB FL360 at DIKAS SWQ 727 N727NY B722 [LLBG/Tel Aviv > EINN/Shannon]
04:10 EB descending at TOPRO VT-IAH A319
04:46 EB FL390 at BCN N312AM CL64
06:00 EB descending at CDF "Convoy 9543" 159116 C-9B
06:43 EB FL360 at TALGA "Reach 859" 09-9208 C-17A
06:48 EB FL390 at DIKAS VP-CSK BBJ [KLAX/Los Angeles > CYYR/Goose Bay > LFPB/Le Bourget]
07:01 EB FL330 at DIKAS "Reach 209" 87-0028 C-5B
07:14 EB descending N of CDF "Malaysian Air Force 4802" M48-02 GLEX
07:31 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 182" 09-9207 C-17A
07:35 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 704" 07-7185 C-17A
07:42 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 676" 04-4133 C-17A
10:06 EB descending at NUMPO N300K GLF5
10:14 EB descending at NUMPO VP-BMS F900
10:34 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 801" 03-3116 C-17A
10:35 SB descending E of CDF C-GLGU CRJ1
10:43 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 187" 02-1110 C-17A
11:14 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 694" 06-6168 C-17A
11:41 WB FL340 at DIKAS "Canforce 4141" 15003 CC150
15:09 EB FL370 at NUMPO "Reach 674" 01-0187 C-17A
15:47 WB climbing at DIKAS M-YBJK GLF5
16:02 WB climbing at DIKAS "Fraction 809F" CS-DLH F2TH
16:15 WB FL430 at DIKAS "Fraction 534N" CS-DXL C56X [LIMP/Parma > EIDW/Dublin]
16:57 EB FL370 at NUMPO N217BA GALX [KHPN/Weschester County > EINN/Shannon > ?]
17:00 EB FL410 at DIKAS "Fraction 5AN" CS-DKG GLF5 [KHPN/Westchester County > LFPB/Le Bourget]
17:22 WB FL380 at DIKAS N757MA B752 [OMDB/Dubai > EINN/Shannon]
17:28 WB FL400 at DIKAS IYE2007 7O-ADQ B738 [OYSN/Sana'a > HECA/Cairo > EINN/Shannon]
17:43 WB FL380 at DIKAS N7RX GLF4
18:15 EB descending at NUMPO N200UP FA50
18:21 WB FL380 N of NUMPO N859AG CL60
19:49 EB descending at NUMPO AAL156 N692AA [KBOS/Boston > EGLL/Heathrow]
21:07 EB FL390 N of CDF GAF589 16+01 A343

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: You are fully welcome to use information from our site, all we ask is that the South Wales Aviation Group are credited. Please don't copy whole sections of the blog for use on your own site. The site is produced by aviation enthusiasts for aviation enthusiasts and is not intended for official use in any way ..regards the SWAG team.

Editorial Information
: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins

Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG

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