Landing at 09;59 from LFMU/Beziers Vias is Beech B200 Super King Air F-GHOC ..parking 0n the Cambrian apron ..departed at 17:24

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 10:12 is PA-28-161 Archer 3 G-GFCA ..parking on GA apron ..departed at 10:42
Landing c14:20 is "Castle 04" A109E Power G-DVIP ..departed c15:05 to Cardiff Heliport

Picture credit Gerallt Marsh
Training today were:
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCD ..go-round 09:50 and departed to Bournemouth
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCE ..go-round 13:18 and departed to Bournemouth
OXF14 "Oxford 14" PA34-220T Seneca G-OXFG ..go-round at 13:28 and departed to Oxford

Picture credit Mark Pearce
"Coastguard 187" AW139 G-CILN ..go-round 15:42 to St Athan
BLD01 "Blackadder 01" Beech 76 Duchess G-JLRW ..go-round 16:56 and departed to Exeter
"Police 32" EC135P2+ G-NWOI ..go-rounds 17:38, 17:57 to St Athan
Parked on stand 16 is B733 9H-MTF ..departed at 10:09 to LPFR/Faro as MLT769 "Maleth 769"
Due in from Manchester at 09:05 is TCX374P "Kestrel 374P" A332 G-OMYT ..landed at 09:23 parking on stand 7 ..departed at 11:19 to MMUN/Cancun as TCX774 "Kestrel 774"

Picture credit Keith Morgan
Landing at 10:39 from St.Athan is SIB01PV "SIB 01PV" B734 9H-VVB ..parking on stand 15 ..departed at 12:09 to EDLP/Paderborn-Lippstadt

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Residents active today: G-AZDJ, G-BOPC, G-OPET, G-PLAZ
Landing at 13:22 from Heathrow is BAW9171 "Speedbird 9171" B744 G-BYGC

Picture credit Keith Morgan
Due out to LETL/Teruel is BAW9150 "Speedbird 9150" B744 G-BNLF ..departed at 15:32
Due out to Heathrow is BAW9172 "Speedbird 9172" B744 G-CIVZ ..departed at 17:21
Due out to Heathrow is BAW9174 "Speedbird 9174" B763 G-BNWY ..departed at 17:44
Due in from Heathrow is BAW9173 "Speedbird 9173" B788 G-ZBJB ..landed 21:15

Picture credit IanG
MOD St Athan Runway in use 26
Residents active today: G-BYVB, G-BYVS, G-BYVW, G-CILN, G-EEKY, G-NWOI
Interesting OTT
09:45 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 561" C-5M 86-0015
11:33 EB FL230 at EXMOR "Quid 181" KC-135R 58-0100
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