Parked on the Cambrian apron is AS.355F1 Ecureuil 2 G-BVLG ..departed at 09:19 to Haverfordwest as "Pipeline 60"
Landing at 10:04 from the East is PA-28-161 Cadet G-EKIR ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 10:58 to the Northeast via Wenvoe
Landing at 10:07 from Bournemouth is PA-28-161 Cadet G-BXTY ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:03 back to Bournemouth
Landing at 10:44 from the East is TB-9 Tampico G-BIXB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed c 12:28 to the West ..landed back 13:20 parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:12 to Shobdon
Landing at 13:57 is Reims/Cessna F.172H G-AVJF ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:49
Landing at 15:10 is "Blackadder 25" ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:53 to the South
Landing at 20:14 is SHF345 "Vortex 345" Puma HC.2 ZJ956 ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 21:50 to Castlemartin Range
Picture credit Mark Pearce
Training today were:
"Coastguard 187" AW139 G-CILN ..go-rounds 09:52, 10:09 and departed to the South
OXF24 "Oxford 24" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFF ..go-round 09:59 and departed back to Oxford
"Dartmoor 08" Beech 76 Duchess G-JLRW ..go-round 11:48 and departed back to Exeter
OXF24 "Oxford 24" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFF ..go-round 13:18 and departed back to Oxford
OXF28 "Oxford 28" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFB ..go-round 13:22 and departed back to Oxford
Residents active today: G-AXIR, G-BYVB, G-BYVW, G-BYXD, G-CERK, G-CILN, G-CILP, G-EEKY, G-OKLY
Landing at 13:11 from the North is "Marine 11/12" 652 Sqn Wildcat AH.1s ZZ527 & ZZ410 ..parking on the Metro ..departed to the West at 13:40 with the same c/s ..landed 15:45 parking on the Metro ..departed at 16:14 to the East and onwards to Yeovilton
Landing at 21:24 is "Police 01" EC135P2+ G-HEOI ..parking on the NPAS pad ..departed at 22:13 to the East
Interesting OTT
04:27 EB FL340 at CDF "Reach 805" C-17A 03-3124
04:58 EB FL320 at DIKAS "Reach 270" C-17A 07-7170
07:25 EB FL230 at VLN "Reach 156" KC-135R 58-0027
10:05 WB FL200 at VLN "Reach 522" C-130H 93-1041
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