Parked on the Cambrian apron is Beech 200 King Air F-GJFA ..departed at 09:55 as ASR292 ..landed back c.15:50

Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Parked on the GA apron is Rockwell Commander 112A G-BEDG ..departed at 10:23 to the Northeast ..landed 11:00 ..departed PM
Parked on Golf is Embraer EMB-135BJ Legacy SE-DJG ..departed at 08:46 to Farnborough as EUW5091 "Eurowest 5091" ..landed 15:17 parking on Southern Golf
Landing at 00:47 from LEMD/Madrid is ECA4C "Dark Knight 4C" Cessna 525A CitationJet CJ2 D-IWIR ..departed at 12:10 to LPFR/Faro with the same c/s
Landing at 10:45 is LNX35PU "Lonex 35PU" Cessna 550 Citation II G-SPUR ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 17:00 to Luton with the same c/s
Landing at 11:50 from Dunkeswell is "GBMXB" Cessna 152 G-BMXB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:08 back to Dunkeswell
Landing at 11:52 from Swansea is "GBIBT" Grumman-American AA-5B Tiger G-BIBT ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:07 back to Swansea
Landing at 14:07 from the East is "GBSLK" PA-28-161 Warrior II G-BSLK ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 17:42 to the East
Landing at 16:22 is "N264DB" PA-46-301P Malibu N264DB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 17:37 to the Northeast
Training today was:
"GVPPL" SOCATA TB20 Trinidad G-VPPL ..go-round 12:25 and departed back to Gloucester
Parked on Echo is B462 G-SMLA ..departed at 09:29 to LFSB/Basel-Mulhouse as ENZ186 "Enzo 186"
Parked on stand 17 is AT45 G-ISLF ..departed at 14:29 to Jersey as BCI008P "Blue Island 008P"
Landing at 16:00 from LFQQ/Lille is EZE941P "Eastflight 941P" E170 G-CIXW ..parking on stand 11 ..departed at 17:46 to Luton as EZE9418 "Eastflight 9419"
Departing at 18:45 to Birmingham is BEE032M "Jersey 032M" E195 G-FBEI
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-ASUP, G-BOPC, G-BPES, G-BRWR, G-CISG, G-CRIL, G-OLIV, G-WARO
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