Picture credit IanG
Parked on the Cambrian apron is Cessna 510 Citation Mustang OO-PRM ..departed at 08:02 to EHAM/Amsterdam as "OOPRM" ..landed at 11:06 back from Amsterdam, parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 18:18 to EBAW/Antwerp
Parked on the GA apron is PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain G-IFIT ..departed at 08:12 to EINN/Shannon as "GIFIT" ..landed at 18:44 back from Shannon ..departed at 19:07 to Leeds-Bradford
Parked on Golf with Global Trek is KC-130J Hercules 169230/QB-230 ..departed at 10:27 to CYYT/St Johns as "Raider 51 Flight"
Picture credit IanG
Parked on Golf with Global Trek is KC-130J Hercules 169533/QB-533 ..departed at 10:27 to CYYT/St Johns as "Raider 51 Flight"
Picture credit IanG
Picture credit IanG
Landing at 14:55 from Gloucester is "GGMOX" Cessna 152 G-GMOX ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:25 back to Gloucester
Picture credit IanG
Landing at 15:58 from Membury is "GSAMC" Comco Ikarus C42 FB80 Bravo G-SAMC ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 16:53 to Rosemarket
Landing at 16:49 from LGSA/Chania is TYW432 "Tyrol Ambulance 432" IAI 1125A Astra SPX OE-GBD ..parking on Golf South end
Landing at 17:28 from Carlisle is "GDAAZ" PA-28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV G-DAAZ ..parking on the GA apron
Landing at 18:27 from Manchester is CLF663 "Clifton 663" Embraer EMB-550 Legacy 500 G-RORA ..parking on Golf South end ..departed at 19:46 to Glasgow with the same c/s
Training today were:
HLE67 "Helimed 67" H145 G-WOBR ..go-rounds 09:08, 09:24 to Tremorfa
Residents active today: G-BBTY, G-BHGY, G-BXIF, G-CDDG, G-CRIL, G-OXOM, G-SUEM, G-SUEO
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