Parked on the Cambrian apron is AS.355NP Ecureuil 2 G-RIDA ..departed at 10:43 to the West as "Grid 04" ..landed 13:25 parking back on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 14:45 on a local survey ..landed back later and to the Cambrian

Picture credit Ginge Little
Parked on the GA apron is Grob G.115A G-BPKF ..departed at 14:47 to the North as "Almat 61"
Landing at 10:07 from LFMU/Béziers Cap d'Agde is OFL23CF "Open Flight 23CF" Beech 200 Super King Air F-GOCF ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 17:33 to Paris-Le Bourget with the same c/s

Picture credit Ginge Little
Landing at 11:07 is SOCATA TB9 Tampico G-BIXB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 12:44 via Wenvoe

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 11:17 from Swansea is PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BOMO ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:47 via Wenvoe

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 11:20 is Reims/Cessna F172M Skyhawk II G-BDZD ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:27 to Dunkeswell

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 16:40 is "Pipeline 60" AS.355F1 Ecureuil 2 G-BVLG ..parking on the Cambrian apron
Training today were:
PA-28-181 Archer III G-PEJM ..go-rounds 13:38, 13:53 and departed to Shobdon
"Oxford 14" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFG ..go-round 14:00 and departed to Oxford
"French Navy 5575" Dassault Falcon 10MER 101 ..go-round 15:45 and departed to Landivisau

Picture credit Keith Morgan
"Dartmoor 04" Beech 76 Duchess G-BYNY ..go-round 15:51 and departed to Exeter
"Ascot 210" Hercules C.5 ZH886 ..go-rounds 16:03, 16:16, 16:29, 16:46 and departed to Brize Norton
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 18:23 to Heathrow is BAW9172 "Speedbird 9172" B744 G-CIVB
Residents active today: G-AZCZ (from Cardiff), G-BRBH, G-BYVB, G-CILP, G-NWOI
Interesting OTT
04:06 EB FL350 at TOPRO "Reach 447" C-5M 86-0017
04:42 EB FL360 at TALGA "Reach 144" C-17A 10-0220
06:47 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 595" C-17A 93-0601
08:20 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 435" C-17A 07-7175
08:50 EB FL340 at DIKAS "Reach 162" C-17A 99-0166
09:37 EB FL230 at VLN "Reach 330" KC-135R 63-8885
11:01 EB FL330 at DIKAS "Reach 430" C-17A 96-0001
13:19 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 425" C-17A 08-8193
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