Landing at 08:42 from Newcastle is GMA412 "Gama 412" Canadair CL604 Challenger G-RCAV ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 10:24 to LSGS/Sion with the same c/s

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 09:54 is AS.350BA Ecureuil G-TATS ..parking on the GA apron for Cardiff city pleasure flights ..departed at 16:20 to Kemble

Picture credit Hugh Trainer
Landing at 10:10 is "Kingdom 03" AS.355N Ecureuil 2 G-OLCP ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 16:56 on a local flight with the same c/s ..landed back 17:37 to the Cambrian

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 10:37 from Guernsey is Cirrus SR-22 2-ROCK ..parking on the GA apron

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 11:13 from LPPT/Lisbon is VVV261 "Valjet 261" Cessna 525B CitationJet CJ3 CS-DVH ..parking on the Cambrian apron

Picture credit Hugh Trainer
Landing at 17:50 after a 1h40m comms relay flight over Cardiff for tomorrows World Half Marathon is Beech B200C King Air OO-ASL ..parking on the Cambrian apron
Training Flights & Flybys
"Coastguard 187" AW139 G-CILN ..go-round 09:42 and departed to the West
"Exam 71" DA42 Twin Star G-CTCE ..go-round 12:00 and departed to Bournemouth
Parked on stand 17 for the Valley Easter break is Van Air Europe L410 OK-TCA
Residents active today: G-AZDJ, G-BBTY, G-BRWR, G-BXIF, G-CISG, G-MEGN, G-OPET, G-PLAZ, G-SCPL, G-WARO
Landing at 06:48 from KDEN/Denver is BAW9154 "Speedbird 9154" B744 G-CIVO
Departing at 17:28 to Heathrow is BAW9172 "Speedbird 9172" B744 G-BYGC
MOD St Athan Runway in use 26
Residents active today: G-BOPU, G-CILN, G-NWOI, G-RUIA
Departing at 15:51 from Horizon is Grumman AA-5B Tiger G-BIBT
Interesting OTT
03:46 EB FL390 at CDF "Reach 812" KC-135R 60-0349
05:59 EB FL350 N of TALGA "Reach 557" C-17A 07-7178
09:43 EB descending at DIKAS "Reach 103" C-5M 84-0061
10:47 EB FL330 at NUMPO "Reach 017" C-17A 08-8199
15:04 WB FL340 at TOPRO "Sam 895" C-32A 99-0003
17:32 EB FL370 S of EXMOR GAF880 A319 15+02
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