Based in West Camp hangar 208 from early 2012. Specialise in 'end-of-life' aircraft projects such as storage, dis-assembly and parts/aircraft reclamation. Some a/c spend time with Cardiff Aviation at Twin Peaks.
The following could be seen in 2021.
For 2012-2020 movements see the Archive section on the sidebar.
Note: After scrapping, sections may be kept for resale, notably flightdecks, many of which are stored on site.
2-ACSF (OK-NEP) A319 Prague special scheme ..broken up 20/07/21
2-ACSG (OK-NEM) A319 Czech Airlines ..broken up early 06/21
2-ACSH (OK-NEO) A319 Eurowings ..broken up late 05/21
2-ACSJ (YL-LCO) A320 all white ..with Caerdav, was to become SU- with new start-up SkyBird, engines removed c10/21, back in storage
2-ACSL (G-EZEN) A319 all white ..current, engines removed
2-ACSM (SE-RJR) B737 ..departed 13/02/21 to KBGR/Bangor, to Argentine Air Force as T-99
2-ACSN (9H-SLA) A320 all white ..broken up by 04/06/21
2-GGEZ (G-EZII) A319 easyJet, no titles ..broken up early 06/21
2-HLBB (HL7557) B738 JinAir ..broken up early 03/21
2-VIHC (VT-IHC) A320 IndiGo ..stored, now wearing 2-VIHC 12/21
2-VJGC B739 Spicejet ..to scrap compound 20/11/21
5B-DCW A319 Cyprus Airways ..current, engines removed
9H-SLB A320 all white ..current, storage
B-HSK A320 Cathay Dragon ..current, engines removed
CS-TTJ A319 TAP ..to scrap compound 11/21
D-ALAC A320 Asiana ..broken up by 12/01/21
EC-LQP A332 Skyteam (Air Europa) ..broken up 21-22/07/21
EC-NIE A320 Vueling ..current, in storage
EI-CSI B738 Blue Panorama - Forward fuselage section departed by road 15/12/21 - Scrapped 01/22
EI-GTW (P4-GAS) B752 Air Astana ..broken up early 03/21
EI-IMT A319 Alitalia ..current, storage
ER-AXV A320 Air Moldova ..on Golf Apron
ES-SAQ A320 TUI (SmartLynx) ..Current, Registration Covered
ES-SAW (ex 2-ACSD, ES-SAW) A320 all white, stored, re-reg 07/21 and TUI titles applied ..departed 03/08/21 to Tallinn
F-GRHG A319 Air France ..broken up week ending 15/10/21
G-BYGC B744 BOAC, for preservation
G-BYGD B744 British Airways ..prep for scrap compound
G-BYGG B744 British Airways ..broken up week ending 15/10/21
G-CIVC B744 British Airways ..broken up by 13/01/21
G-CIVU B744 British Airways ..broken up 14-16/04/21
G-EUNB A318 all white (Titan Airways) ..broken up week ending 15/10/21
G-EUOB A319 British Airways ..broken up 20/07/21
G-EUOC A319 British Airways ..broken up early 06/21
G-EUOD A319 British Airways ..broken up 23/07/21
G-EUPA A319 British Airways .. Scrapped 01/22
G-EUPB A319 British Airways ..broken up 18/11/21
G-EUPC A319 British Airways ..current, engines removed
G-EUPE A319 British Airways ..broken up 04/21
G-EUPF A319 British Airways - Scrapped 01/22
G-EUPH A319 British Airways ..Scrapped 01/22
G-EZEH A319 easyJet ..current, Engines Removed
G-EZPG A319 easyJet ..current, Storage
G-VAST B744 Virgin Atlantic ..broken up by 11/01/21
G-XACS (SX-DGV) A320 Aegean - Scrapped 01/22
G-ZZZA B772 British Airways/graffiti ..to scrap compound 19/10/21
G-ZZZB B772 British Airways ..broken up c18/11/21
LY-BFM (TC-SNY) B738 SunExpress ..nose only from a/c scrapped at Lasham, first noted 09/20, still present 06/21
LY-BHB (HL7559) B738 JinAir ..broken-up 19/04/21
LY-BHE (VT-SCA) A319 Air India ..fuselage departed 24/03/21 by road to NFD at Nuremberg, Germany
LY-BHF (B-MAO) A319 Air Macau ..broken up 04-05/21
LY-BHI (OO-SSG) A319 Brussels Airlines ..broken up by 12/01/21
LY-BHJ (VQ-BKH) A321 Ural Airlines ..broken up early 06/21
LY-BHQ (D-ABKA) B738 TUI ..broken up early 03/21
LY-BHP (CS-TTC) A319 TAP ..broken up early 03/21
LY-BHR (EC-MFO) A319 Iberia ..broken up 19/04/21
LY-BHS (B-HSD) A320 Dragonair ..broken up 04/21
LY-BHT (EC-MFP) A319 Iberia ..broken up early 06/21
LY-BHW (ER-AXP) A320 Air Moldova ..broken up 21/07/21
LY-BJB (OM-GEX) B738 Air Explore ..departed 24/06/21 to LHBP/Budapest for return to service ..arrived 22/09/21 from Tallinn as AXA101P for scrapping
LY-BJC (OO-SSK) A319 Brussels Airlines ..broken up 10/21
LY-BJH (SU-NMD) A319 Nesma ..current, iIn storage
LY-BJJ (UR-PSN) B738 Ukraine International
OE-IZX (D-AAAM) A321 Avianca ..departed 15/09/21 to LERL/Ciudad Real as "OEIZX"
P4-AML (OE-LAW) B763 Austrian Airways ..stored
SX-DGS A321 Aegean ..broken up 04/21
SX-EMM A319 Ellinair ..on Golf Apron
VP-BHF A319 S7, no titles ..broken up by 01/03/21
VP-BHI A319 S7 ..broken up 19/07/21
VP-BTQ A319 S7, no titles ..broken up by 01/03/21
VP-BTU A319 S7 ..to GJD Services by 04/06/21 for spares recovery
VP-CBJ A321 Holiday Europe ..departed 10/05/21 to LKPR/Prague for Electra Airlines
VP-CGK (EC-ISN) B738 all white (Air Europa) ..departed 03/06/21 to Miami for freighter conversion
VP-CPW (VT-IHU) A320 IndiGo ..broken up 20/07/21
VQ-BIQ B737 SAS ..to scrap compound c25/11/21, forward fuselage removed 14/12/21
VT-IHW A320 IndiGo ..broken up week ending 15/10/21
YL-LCL A320 all white ..broken up 04/21
YL-LCS A320 SmartLynx ..all white
YL-LCT A320 all white ..departed 09/07/21 to Eindhoven as TFL077P
YR-BMH B738 Blue Air (Liverpool c/s) ..broken up week ending 15/10/21
YR-BMI B738 Blue Air ..broken up early 06/21
Reg: | UR-PSN re-reg LY-BJJ 12/21 | Type: | Boeing 737-86N/W |
MSN: | 28614 | Operator: | Ukraine International |
Arrived: | 15/12/21 | Flt No: | UAI1919 |
From: | UKBB/Kiev | Fate: | Current - Storage |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | G-EZPG | Type: | Airbus A319-111 |
MSN: | 2385 | Operator: | easyJet |
Arrived: | 06/12/21 | Flt No: | EZY9002 |
From: | Stansted | Fate: | Current - Prepped for Teardown |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | SU-NMD re-reg LY-BJH 12/21 | Type: | Airbus A319-132 |
MSN: | 1952 | Operator: | Nesma Airlines |
Arrived: | 02/12/21 | Flt No: | NMA2200 |
From: | HECA/Cairo | Fate: | Current - Storage |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | EC-NIE | Type: | Airbus A320-232 |
MSN: | 1349 | Operator: | Vueling |
Arrived: | 01/12/21 | Flt No: | VLG101P |
From: | LEMD/Madrid | Fate: | Current - 1 Engine Removed |

Picture credit Angelo Harmsworth
Reg: | YL-LCS | Type: | Airbus A320-214 |
MSN: | 0556 | Operator: | SmartLynx |
Arrived: | 23/11/21 | Flt No: | ART9771 |
From: | EETN/Tallinn | Fate: | Current - Engines Removed |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | OE-LAW re-reg P4-AML 12/21 | Type: | Boeing 767-3Z9ER/W |
MSN: | 26417/448 | Operator: | Austrian Airways |
Arrived: | 18/11/21 | Flt No: | AUA1471 |
From: | LOWW/Vienna | Fate: | Current - Storage |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | 5B-DCW | Type: | Airbus A319-114 |
MSN: | 1129 | Operator: | Cyprus Airways |
Arrived: | 05/11/21 | Flt No: | CYP001 |
From: | LCLK/Larnaca | Fate: | Current - Teardown Commenced |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | EI-IMT | Type: | Airbus A319-111 |
MSN: | 5018 | Operator: | Alitalia |
Arrived: | 28/10/21 | Flt No: | AZA0004 |
From: | LIRF/Rome | Fate: | Current - Storage |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | ES-SAQ | Type: | Airbus A320-214 |
MSN: | 0984 | Operator: | SmartLynx Estonia |
Arrived: | 12/10/21 | Flt No: | LYX9999 |
From: | EETN/Tallinn | Fate: | Current - Storage, Reg Covered |

Picture credit Angelo Harmsworth
Reg: | CS-TTJ | Type: | Airbus A319-111 |
MSN: | 0979 | Operator: | TAP Air Portugal |
Arrived: | 29/09/21 | Flt No: | TAP9745 |
From: | LPPT/Lisbon | Fate: | Current - To Scrap Compound 10/11/21 |

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Reg: | OM-GEX re-reg LY-BJB 12/21 | Type: | Boeing 737NG-8AS/W |
MSN: | 29919 | Operator: | Corendon Airlines EU |
Arrived: | 22/09/21 | Flt No: | AXA101P |
From: | EETN/Tallinn | Fate: | Current - Engines Removed |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | VQ-BIQ | Type: | Boeing 737NG-76N/W |
MSN: | 32738 | Operator: | SAS |
Arrived: | 01/09/21 | Flt No: | VQBIQ |
From: | Shannon | Fate: | Current - Scrap Compound 11/21 |

Picture credit RichT
Reg: | D-AAAM re-reg OE-IZX 02/09/21 | Type: | Airbus A321-231SL |
MSN: | 6294 | Operator: | Avianca |
Arrived: | 01/09/21 | Flt No: | DAAAM |
From: | EDDH/Hamburg | Fate: | Departed 15/09/21 to Ciudad Real as "OEIZX" for further storage |

Picture credit RichT
Reg: | G-EUPC | Type: | Airbus A319-131 |
MSN: | 1118 | Operator: | British Airways |
Arrived: | 14/08/21 | Flt No: | BAW9274 |
From: | Heathrow | Fate: | Current - Engines Removed |

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Reg: | G-EUPA | Type: | Airbus A319-131 |
MSN: | 1082 | Operator: | British Airways |
Arrived: | 07/08/21 | Flt No: | BAW9274 |
From: | Heathrow | Fate: | Current - Teardown Complete, Prep for scrap compound |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | G-EUPF | Type: | Airbus A319-131 |
MSN: | 1197 | Operator: | British Airways |
Arrived: | 30/07/21 | Flt No: | BAW9274 |
From: | Heathrow | Fate: | Current - Scrap Compound 11/21 |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | OO-SSK re-reg LY-BJC by 10/08/21 | Type: | Airbus A319-112 |
MSN: | 1336 | Operator: | Brussels Airlines |
Arrived: | 30/07/21 | Flt No: | BEL9901 |
From: | EBBR/Brussels | Fate: | Scrapped 10/2021 |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | B-HSK | Type: | Airbus A320-232 |
MSN: | 1721 | Operator: | Cathay Dragon |
Arrived: | 26/07/21 | Flt No: | BHSK |
From: | EHAM/Amsterdam | Fate: | Current - Prepped for teardown |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | F-GRHG | Type: | Airbus A319-111 |
MSN: | 1036 | Operator: | Air France |
Arrived: | 22/07/21 | Flt No: | AFR363V |
From: | LFPO/Orly | Fate: | Scrapped 10/2021 |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | G-EUPH | Type: | Airbus A319-131 |
MSN: | 1225 | Operator: | British Airways |
Arrived: | 21/07/21 | Flt No: | BAW9274 |
From: | Heathrow | Fate: | Current - Scrap Compound 12/21 |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | D-AAAU re-reg OE-IZR 28/07/21 | Type: | Airbus A321-231SL |
MSN: | 6009 | Operator: | Avianca |
Arrived: | 21/07/21 | Flt No: | DAAAU |
From: | ETMN/Cuxhaven-Nordholz | Fate: | Departed 12/08/21 to Ciudad Real |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | G-EUPB | Type: | Airbus A319-131 |
MSN: | 1115 | Operator: | British Airways |
Arrived: | 14/07/21 | Flt No: | BAW9274 |
From: | Heathrow | Fate: | Scrapped 11/21 |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | VT-IHW | Type: | Airbus A320-232 |
MSN: | 2997 | Operator: | IndiGo |
Arrived: | 28/06/21 | Flt No: | IGO9450 |
From: | LTFM/Istanbul | Fate: | Scrapped 08/21 |

Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Reg: | G-EZEH | Type: | Airbus A319-111 |
MSN: | 2184 | Operator: | easyJet Airline |
Arrived: | 15/06/21 | Flt No: | EZY9001 |
From: | Lasham | Fate: | Current - Engines Removed |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | OM-GEX | Type: | Boeing 737-8AS/W |
MSN: | 29919/341 | Operator: | Air Explore |
Arrived: | 17/05/21 | Flt No: | AXE101P |
From: | UUWW/Vnukovo | Fate: | Departed 24/06/21 to LHBP |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | VP-BHI | Type: | Airbus A319-114 |
MSN: | 2028 | Operator: | S7 Airlines |
Arrived: | 26/04/21 | Flt No: | SBI8993 |
From: | UUUD/Domodedovo | Fate: | Scrapped 07/21 |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | VP-BTU | Type: | Airbus A319-114 |
MSN: | 1071 | Operator: | S7 Airlines |
Arrived: | 26/04/21 | Flt No: | SBI8989 |
From: | UUUD/Domodedovo | Fate: | to GJD Services by 04/06/21 |

Picture credit IanG
Reg: | EC-ISN re-reg VP-CGK 04/21 | Type: | Boeing 737-86Q/W |
MSN: | 30291/1435 | Operator: | Air Europa |
Arrived: | 17/04/21 | Flt No: | AEA007 |
From: | EPWA/Warsaw | Fate: | departed 03/06/21 to BIKF/Keflavik |

Picture credit Ioan Williams
Reg: | G-EUNB | Type: | Airbus A318-112 |
MSN: | 4039 | Operator: | Titan Airways |
Arrived: | 13/04/21 | Flt No: | AWC318P |
From: | Stansted | Fate: | Scrapped 10/2021 |

Picture credit RichT
Reg: | VT-IHC re-reg 2-VIHC 10/05/21 | Type: | Airbus A320-214 |
MSN: | 2584 | Operator: | IndiGo |
Arrived: | 09/04/21 | Flt No: | IGO9430 |
From: | LTFM/Istanbul | Fate: | Departed 21/04/22 to LDZA/Zagreb |

Picture credit StuC
Reg: | SX-DGX | Type: | Airbus A320-232 |
MSN: | 1996 | Operator: | Aegean Airlines |
Arrived: | 25/03/21 | Flt No: | AEE6004 |
From: | LGAV/Athens | Fate: | Current - Engines Removed |

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Reg: | ER-AXP re-reg LY-BHW 05/21 | Type: | Airbus A320-233 |
MSN: | 0741 | Operator: | Air Moldova |
Arrived: | 03/03/21 | Flt No: | MLD9015 |
From: | LUKK/Chisinau | Fate: | Scrapped 07/21 |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | EC-MFP re-reg LY-BHT 21 | Type: | Airbus A319-111 |
MSN: | 998 | Operator: | Iberia |
Arrived: | 19/02/21 | Flt No: | IBE0038 |
From: | LEMD/Madrid | Fate: | Scrapped 06/21 |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
Reg: | EC-LQP | Type: | Airbus A330-243 |
MSN: | 526 | Operator: | Air Europa |
Arrived: | 02/02/21 | Flt No: | AEA002 |
From: | LEMD/Madrid | Fate: | Scrapped 07/21 |

Picture credit StuC
Reg: | VT-IHU re-reg VP-CPW 02/21 | Type: | Airbus A320-232 |
MSN: | 2121 | Operator: | IndiGo |
Arrived: | 28/01/21 | Flt No: | IGO9431 |
From: | LTFM/Istanbul | Fate: | Scrapped 07/21 |

Picture credit Jack Kershaw
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