Inbound at 15:20 is AVB922 "Beauport 922" Dassault Falcon 2000EX G-LSMB ..landed 15:33 and parking on the Cambrian apron
Training Flights
Training today was:
CLF4T "Clifton 4T" CitationJet CJ3 VP-CCX ..several go-rounds/landings/take-offs c12:00
Diverting in at 09:09 is the Isle of Man>Gloucester NM600 "Kiel Air 60G" D228 D-ILKA ..landed at 09:21 parking on Stand 17 ..departed at 10:00 to the Isle of Man as FKI727P "Kiel Air 727P"
Due out to the Isle of Man at 11:30 is NM601 "Fast Link 61G" JS31 G-LNKS ..departed at 12:36 ..inbound at 14:55 as LNQ100P "Fast Link 100P" ..landed 15:08 and back to Stand 12
Diverting in at 12:45 is the Leeds/Bradford>Bristol T34501 "Eastflight 31LB" JS32 G-MAJL ..landed 12:54 parking on Stand 8 ..departed at 17:22 to Aberdeen as T34506 "Eastflight 36X"
Diverting in at 16:40 is the Cork>Bristol EI3846 "Arann 3846" AT72 EI-REP ..landed 16:52 ..departed at 20:11 to Cork as EI3847 "Arann 3847"
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BVMA
Police ASU EC135T2 active today: "Police 32" G-WONN
09:23 EB FL370 at DIKAS "Reach 253" C-5B 87-0041
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