Inbound at 08:15 from Luton is GMA151 "Gama 151" Cessna 525A Citationjet CJ2 G-CGUZ ..landed 08:34 parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 16:04 back to Luton with the same c/s
Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 12:37 from Perth is Beech 58 Baron N64VB ..landed 12:52 parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 13:19 to the North
Picture credit Mark Pearce
Inbound at 14:20 from the North is ENZ613 "Enzo 613" Beech C90GTi King Air G-MOSJ ..landed 14:45 parking on the Norman apron ..departed at 16:25 to Liverpool as ENZ613P "Enzo 613P"
Inbound at 18:45 from the North is ENZ813 "Enzo 813" Beech C90 King Air G-JOTB ..landed 19:00 parking on Stand 6 ..departed at 19:26 to Southend as ENZ813F "Enzo 813F"
Picture credit Phil Woods
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BVMA
Aeros active today: G-BOPC
Residents active today: G-BYVW, G-BYWA, G-BYWD, G-WONN
Interesting OTT
07:51 EB FL360 at DIKAS "Reach 747" C-17A 06-6163
08:07 WB FL390 at DIKAS BAF622 F900 CD-01
11:45 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 436" C-17A 08-8192
12:16 WB FL280 at TOPRO B703 N707BN [EGMH/Manston > KBQK/Brunswick, GA] ..ex TZ-TAC
14:57 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 655" C-5M 85-0007
15:06 EB FL390 at DIKAS BEL9904 "Beeline 9904" A319 OO-SSB [EINN/Shannon > EBBR/Brussels] to Brussels Airlines ex N937FR
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