Parked on the Cambrian apron is Cessna C310R G-SOUL ..departed at 09:34 to the West on a survey as REV302 "Endurance 302"
Inbound at 08:13 is Pilatus PC-12/47 F-HANN ..landed 08:25 parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 17:45 to Paris-Le Bourget
Inbound at 10:05 is Piper PA-31T-620 Cheyenne IIXL D-ITEM ..landed 10:30 parking on Stand 7 ..departed at 11:49 to the East
Inbound at 12:15 from Dublin is Cessna T.206H Turbo Stationair EI-SPB ..landed 14:28 parking on the Cambrian apron
Inbound at 18:15 is TWG200A "Twin Goose 200A" Reims-Cessna F.406 Caravan II D-IATE ..landed 18:27 parking on Stand 7 ..departed at 19:19 as TWG101 "Twin Goose 101"
Training Flights
Training today were:
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCE ..go-round 10:54 and departed to Bournemouth
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCE ..go-round 13:58 and departed to Bournemouth
EXM58 "Exam 58" DA42 Twin Star G-CTCB ..go-round c15:00 and departed to Bournemouth
"Dartmoor 01" Beech 76 Duchess G-JLRW ..go-round 15:20 and departed to Exeter
Due out to Glasgow at 05:00 is TCX706P "Kestrel 706P" A321 G-DHJH ..departed at 04:56
Due in from Dublin at 14:55 is BCY825 "City Ireland 825" RJ85 EI-RJX ..landed 14:59 parking on Stand 12 ..departs Saturday PM
Due out to Glasgow at 17:30 is TCX763P "Kestrel 763P" A321 G-DHJH ..operated from Bristol at 19:35
Tech on Stand 6 from 17:45 is Aer Arann AT43 EI-CBK
BAMC Happenings
Due out c19:45 to Heathrow is BAW9174 "Speedbird 9174" B763 G-BNWD ..departed at 19:45
Residents active today: G-BYXB, G-WONN
Departing at 15:21 to Brize Norton is "Flapjack 01" Hunter F.58A G-PSST
Interesting OTT
08:01 WB FL330 at EXMOR "Reach 530" C-17A 06-6156
09:09 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 465" C-17A 88-0265
10:20 EB descending at BCN "Sam 026" C-37B 97-0401
12:17 EB FL330 N of CDF "Reach 256" C-17A 97-0041
17:09 SB FL250 at CDF BAF644 C-130H CH-08
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