Parked at the club is Slingsby T-67M-260 Firefly G-BWXL ..departed at 10:25 to Ireland
Parked on the Cambrian apron is Cessna 525A CitationJet CJ2+ D-ITOR ..departed at 18:47 to EDLP/Paderborn-Lippstadt
Inbound at 08:10 is "Redhill 2" EC120B Colibri G-OTFL ..landed 08:18 ..departed at 09:32 to Battersea with the same c/s
Inbound at 09:20 from LFMU/Beziers Cap d'Agde is AOV056 "Aerovision 056" Beech 200 Super King Air F-GHOC ..landed 09:37 parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 17:16 back to LMFU/Beziers Cap d'Agde with the same c/s
Inbound at 10:45 from the East is PA-28-151 Warrior G-BNMB ..landed 11:03 parking at the club ..departed at 11:49 to the Northeast
Inbound at 14:05 from Swansea is PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BGKY ..landed 14:27 parking at the club ..departed at 15:08 back to Swansea
Training Flights
Training today were:
Mooney M.20J D-ESNB ..go-rounds 14:33, 14:53 and departed to Dunkeswell
PA-32-R-301 Saratoga SP G-BKMT ..go-round 15:28 and departed to Swansea
OXF32 "Oxford 32" PA-34 Seneca G-BCVY ..go-round 17:56 and departed to Oxford

Picture credit Keith Morgan
Parked on the Metro is Hercules C.5 ZH884 ..departed to the West at 10:58 as "Zorro 1" ..landed 13:02 parking on the metro ..departed at 15:34 to Brize Norton as "Zorro 2"
Inbound at 10:35 is RRR140 "Ascot 140" Hercules C.4 ZH875 ..landed 10:49 parking on the metro ..departed at 11:59 with the same c/s ..landed 13:44 parking on the metro ..departed at 13:51 to the South with the same c/s

Picture credit Keith Morgan
Interesting OTT
06:41 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 106" C-17A 04-4132
06:54 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 323" C-17A 06-6156
13:04 WB FL380 at DIKAS "Reach 735" KC-135R 58-0089
14:16 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 618" C-17A 02-1100
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