Parked on the Cambrian apron is Hawker 900XP G-RGSG ..departed at 19:21 to Jersey as HGR887 "Hangar 887"

Picture credit Hugh Trainer
Landing at 11:55 is "Army Air 581" Defender AL.2 ZG996 ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 13:04 to Aldergrove

Picture credit Hugh Trainer
Training Flights
"VYT 69" Hawk T.2 ZK011 ..go-round 20:30 and departed to Valley
"VYT 52" Hawk T.2 ZK030 ..go-round 20:33 and departed to Valley
Due out at 17:40 to Shannon is VLM9646 "VLM 9646" F50 OO-VLI ..departed at 18:31 ..inbound 21:25 as VLM646P "Rubens 646P" ..landed 21:37 parking on stand 3
Residents active today: G-AZCZ, G-BVMA, G-CRIL, G-MEGN
Cardiff Heliport
Active today were: Bell 206 B-3 Jet Ranger III G-TOYZ c/n 3949
Landing at 14:14 from Leeuwarden is "GKAXF" Hunter F.6 G-KAXF/N-294 ..parking at Horizon for maintenance
Landing at 20:08 is "Helimed 59E" EC135T2 G-WASC ..parking at the ASU ..departed at 20:36 to Welshpool
Interesting OTT
07:21 EB FL410 at DIKAS "Sam 339" C-37B 99-0404
08:04 EB FL350 at BCN "Reach 553" C-17A 05-5144
09:05 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 921" C-17A 03-3123
10:38 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 321" C-17A 94-0069
12:15 EB FL250 S of DIKAS RANGR61 KC-130J 168073
12:27 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 632" C-17A 09-9211
14:41 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 797" C-17A 09-9210
15:27 WB FL270 at EXMOR "Reach 063 Flt" KC-135R 63-8004 & (064) 61-0277
17:24 WB FL400 at DIKAS CNV4403 C-40A 165836
20:53 EB FL250 at DIKAS "Reach 1024" EC-130J 97-1931
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