Parked on the Norman apron is Nextant 400XTi G-SKBD
Picture credit IanG
Parked on the Norman apron is AS.355F2 Ecureuil 2 G-BYZA ..departed at 09:49 to the East as "Pipeline 67"
Picture credit IanG
Parked on the Norman apron is SOCATA TBM-850 N777XA ..departed at 17:08 to Paris-Le Bourget
Picture credit IanG
Parked on the GA apron is Cessna 120 G-BVUZ ..departed at 12:40
Picture credit IanG
Landing at 09:34 from Gloucester is XJC324 "Xclusive Jet 324" Cessna 550 Citation Bravo G-IPLY ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 11:09 to Madrid with the same c/s
Landing at 11:07 is PA-28-140 Cherokee N735FL ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:53 to the South
Landing at 12:43 is PA-28-161 Warrior III G-WARX ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:37
Landing at 12:46 from Haverfordwest is Cessna 150L G-BAYO ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:04 to the West
Landing at 13:45 from Blackbushe is Eclipse EA500 N531EA ..parking on the Norman apron ..departed at 17:12 back to Blackbushe
Landing at 14:48 from Haverfordwest is Reims/Cessna F150K G-IANJ ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 16:15 to the West
Landing at 16:10 from EDLV/Weeze is ALN434 "ALN 434" Cessna 550 Citation II OM-PTT ..parking on the Cambrian apron
Training today were:
OXF30 "Oxford 30" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFF ..go-round 11:48 and departed to Oxford
"Dartmoor 04" Beech 76 Duchess G-BYNY ..go-round 16:26 and departed to Exeter
"Oxford 26" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFF ..go-round 19:09 and departed to Oxford
"Marham 48" Tornado GR.4 ZA594 ..go-round 20:33 and departed
Parked on stand 16 is B734 9H-VVB
Due in at 16:15 from Venice is ZT782 "Zap 782" B733 G-ZAPW ..landed 16:14 parking on stand 3 ..departed at 17:01 to Stansted as ZT781W "Zap 781W"
Residents active today: G-AZCZ, G-MEGN, G-PLAZ
Departing at 13:17 to Heathrow is BAW9172 "Speedbird 9172" B744 G-CIVF
Residents active today: G-CILN, G-CILP, G-CPAS
Interesting OTT
03:57 EB FL350 at TOPRO "Spar 19" C-40C 09-0540
04:39 EB FL370 at TOPRO "Reach 558" C-17A 94-0067
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