Parked on the Cambrian apron is Cessna 550 Citation Bravo D-CCAB ..departed at 15:07 to EDLP/Paderborn-Lippstadt as JKK322 "Jetkontor 322"

Picture credit IanG
Landing at 09:05 from Biggin Hill is REN33 "Arena 33" Cessna 560XL Citation XLS G-XLTV ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 09:59 to LEPA/Palma with the same c/s
Landing at 09:42 is Cessna 172S Skyhawk SP G-VOUS ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:20 to the Northeast

Picture credit IanG
Landing at 12:51 is PA-28-161 Warrior III G-WARX ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:40
Landing c14:15 is "Helimed 59E" EC135T2 G-WASC ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 15:40 to Welshpool

Picture credit IanG
Landing at 16:45 from Dijon and escorted by two QRA RAF Typhoons from Coningsby is MHV300 "Snowcat 300" Challenger 300 D-BTLT ..parking on Golf ..the Typhoon FGR.4s "I5T31" ZJ927/DF & "I5T32" ZJ912/DR flanked the aircraft until landing and departed to the North (blog entry timed at 17:35) ..departed at 19:21 to Dublin with the same c/s

Picture credit Hugh Trainer

Picture credit IanG

Picture credit IanG
Training today were:
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCB ..go-round 12:06 and departed to Bournemouth
"Exam 18" Tecnam P.2006T G-TECD ..go-round 14:28 and departed to Gloucester
"Aeros 54" DA42 TWin Star G-CIKM ..go-round 15:33 and departed to Gloucester
Landing at 11:06 from LEVX/Vigo is ORZ501A "Zorex 501A" SA-226TC Metro II EC-JYC ..parking on stand 6 ..departed at 12:23 to EDNY/Friedrichshafen as ORZ502 "Zorex 502"
Landing at 18:42 from Farnborough is BMR8504 "Midland 8504" E145 G-RJXG ..parking on stand 7 ..departed at 19:18 to Bristol as BMR9405 "Midland 9405"
Residents active today: G-BOPC, G-BRBH, G-SCPL, G-WARO
Residents active today: G-BYVB, G-BYVS, G-CILP, G-NWOI
Departing at 13:14 to Manchester via an approach at Newcastle is EXS052B "Channex 052B" B752 G-LSAJ

Picture credit StuC
Interesting OTT
04:05 EB FL370 at DIKAS CFC4075 CC-177 177703
04:45 EB FL330 at TALGA "Reach 787" C-17A 00-0180
05:04 EB FL410 at TOPRO "Juvat 80" C-37A 01-0076
06:00 EB FL330 at DIKAS "Reach 605" C-17A 07-7183
07:56 EB descending at NUMPO "Reach 1815" C-17A 02-1101 Fairford
09:06 EB FL230 at VLN "Reach 010" KC-135T 60-0344
09:52 SB FL190 at CDF "Reach 607" C-130H 91-1237
09:59 EB FL230 at VLN "Reach 011" KC-135T 58-0055
10:16 WB FL360 at DIKAS "Valor 76" C-21A 84-0085
10:46 NB FL180 at CDF CTM2008 CN235 128
12:08 WB FL400 S of EXMOR "Reach 152" KC-135R 62-3521
12:15 EB descending at DIKAS "Reach 012" KC-135R 63-8002
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