Parked on the Golf is 4FTS Hawk T.2 ZK021/L

Picture credit Keith Morgan
Landing at 19:08 is "Vortex 410" Chinook HC.4 ZA683 ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 20:45 to the South
Training today were:
OXF18 "Oxford 18" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFB ..go-round 09:15 and departed to Oxford
"Aeros 54" DA42 Twin Star G-CIKM ..go-round 10:24 and departed to Gloucester
"Coastguard 187" AW139 G-CILP ..go-rounds 11:35, 11:50 to St Athan
"Dartmoor 04" Beech 76 Duchess G-BYNY ..go-round 12:39 and departed to Exeter
"Aeros 54" DA42 Twin Star G-CIKM ..go-round 15:08 and departed to Gloucester
Parked on stand 13 is Thomson AW B738 G-FDZS
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BOPC, G-WARO
Landing at 13:42 from Heathrow is BAW9171 "Speedbird 9171" B744 G-BYGG
Departing at 18:22 to Heathrow is BAW9172 "Speedbird 9172" B744 G-CIVH
Residents active today: G-BYVB, G-BYVS, G-BYVW, G-CILP, G-MCGP, G-NWOI
Interesting OTT
06:20 EB descending at DIKAS "Blue 81" KC-10A 79-1948
09:47 WB FL400 at DIKAS "Juvat 80" C-37A 01-0076
10:33 EB FL390 N of DIKAS "Convoy 4841" C-40A 165831
11:41 WB FL360 at DIKAS "Convoy 4694" C-40A 166694
11:44 WB FL400 at DIKAS "Convoy 4696" C-40A 166696
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