Parked on the Cambrian apron is Challenger CL604 G-RCAV

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 10:40 from Guernsey is PA-32-300 Cherokee Six N2967N ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 17:15 back to Guernsey

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 10:56 is PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II G-OOMA ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:45 Via Wenvoe

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 14:08 from the North is A.109C G-SLAR ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 14:57
Landing at 14:50 from Bristol is PA-28-151 Cherokee Warrior G-BBXW ..parking on the GA apron ..departed 16:02 back to Bristol
Training today were:
"Coastguard 187" Augusta AW139 G-CILP..go-round 09:14 and departed to the West
RRR174 "Ascot 174" Herclues C.4 ZH873 ..go-rounds 10:59, touch and go's 11:11, 11:18, 11:30, 11:43 and departed to Brize Norton

Picture credit Mark Pearce
OXF45 "Oxford 45" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFA ..go-round 14:18 and departed to Oxford
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCB ..go-round 15:57 and departed to Bournemouth
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCB ..go-round 19:13 and departed to Bournemouth
Parked on stand 10 is Thomson AW B738 G-FDZS
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-OPET
Residents active today: G-BOPU, G-BYVW, G-CILP, G-FCLI (engine run), G-NWOI, G-VLTT,
Landing at c11:09 is Jet Provost T.5 G-BWSG/XW324/U ..parking at Horizon
Interesting OTT
05:40 EB FL330 at CDF BAH3 B764 A9C-HMH
08:57 WB climbing S of VLN "Reach 392" C-17A 04-4132
09:48 WB climbing at VLN "Reach 601" KC-135R 59-1453
10:42 WB FL330 at TALGA "Reach 393" C-17A 07-7176
12:08 WB FL340 at VLN "Reach 394" C-17A 03-3119
14:42 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 712" C-17A 06-6161
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