Parked on the GA apron is XtremeAir Sbach 300 G-IIRI ..departed at 14:38 ..landed 15:07 parking back on the GA apron (think this may now be based)
Parked on Southern Golf is Gulfstream GIV SP N429CK
Parked on the Cambrian apron is Cessna 560 Citation Excel OK-AST ..departed at 10:54 to LDPL/Pula as BOH711 "Air Bohemia 711"
Landing at 09:26 is "GPCAT" SOCATA TB10 Tobago G-PCAT ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:11
Landing at 13:27 from Haverfordwest is "GBSSB" Cessna 150L G-BSSB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed c 14:15 back to Haverfordwest
Landing at 14:01 from LIMJ/Genoa is AZE654C "Arcus Air 654C" Embraer Phenom 100 D-IAAW ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 14:43 to EHGG/Groningen as AZE654F "Arcus Air 654F"
Landing at 14:48 from Gloucester is "GBOHH" Cessna 172N Slyhawk G-BOHH ..parking on the GA apron ..departed c15:45 back to Gloucester
Training today were:
EXM44 "Exam 44" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFC ..go-round 10:50 and departed back to Oxford
OXF47 "Oxford 47" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFG ..go-round 12:02 and departed back to Oxford
"GCTCH" DA42 Twin Star G-CTCH ..go-round 13:43 and departed back to Bournemouth
"GCLEA" PA-28--161 Warrior II G-CLEA ..go-round 16:25 and departed
Landing at 14:54 from Heathrow is BAW9171 "Speedbird 9171" B744 G-BYGF
Departing at 19:05 to Heathrow is BAW9172 "Speedbird 9172" B744 G-BYGE
MOD St Athan Runway in use 07
Residents active today: G-AZOF, G-BRBH, G-CILN, G-EEKY, G-MZCK
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