Parked on the Cambrian apron is Cessna 550 Citation II CS-DVZ
Landing at 09:38 from Bristol is GAC138Q "Dream Team 138Q" Cessna 510 Citation Mustang OE-FZE ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 11:26 to LEBB/Bilbao as GAC027R "Dream Team 027R"
Landing at 11:12 from Haverfordwest is "GBSSB" Cessna 150L G-BSSB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 12:09 to Gloucester
Landing at 13:07 from Coventry is "GBUJN" Cessna 172N Skyhawk G-BUJN ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:50
Landing at 14:50 is "GBSCY" PA-28-151 Cherokee Warrior G-BSCY ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:26
Landing at 15:53 from Haverfordwest is "GBAYO" Cessna 150L G-BAYO ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 16:55 back to Haverfordwest
Training today were:
"Coastguard 187" AW139 G-CILP ..go-round 09:19 and departed to the West
OXF45 "Oxford 45" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFC ..go-rounds 10:19, 10:34 and departed back to Oxford
BLD16 "Blackadder 16" Beech 76 Duchess G-GDMW ..go-rounds 12:00, 12:13 and departed back to Bournemouth
"GRVRL" PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-RVRL ..go-round 12:23 and departed back to Exeter
OXF37 "Oxford 37" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFD ..go-round 13:14 and departed back to Oxford
Parked on Stand 17 is J328 OY-NCJ ..departs 13:30 Friday to Billund
Tech on stand from 19:35 is Eastern JS31 G-MAJK
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BBTY, G-BFDI, G-BPES, G-BXIF, G-CRIL, G-OPET, G-WARO
Residents active today: G-BRBH, G-BYVW, G-BYXD, G-CILP, G-EEKY, G-NWOI
Departing at 12:24 to Swansea is "GXALT" PA-38-112 Tomamawk G-XALT
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