Parked on the Cambrian apron is Cessna 525 CitationJet CJ1 9A-JIM ..departed at 09:30 as "9AJIM"
Landing at 08:48 from Membury is "GSAMC" Comco Ikarus C42 FB80 Bravo G-SAMC ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 18:27 nack to Membury
Landing at 08:52 is TJS56 "Tyroljet 56" Cessna 650 Citation VII OE-GLS ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 16:04 to LOWI/Innsbruck with the same c/s
Landing at 10:28 from Cambridge is "GBHVP" Cessna 182Q Skylane G-BHVP ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:41 to Lands End
Landing at 10:33 from Cambridge is "GAVWT" PA-28R-180 Cherokee Arrow G-AVWT ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:25 to Lands End
Landing at 10:40 from Bournemouth is MDI01 "Medops 01" Beech B200 Super King Air G-IASA ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 10:50 back to Bournemouth with the same c/s ..landed 15:04 parking back on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 15:19 back to Bournemouth
Landing at 10:46 from Elmsett-Poplar Hall Farm is "GSEMR" Cessna T.206H Turbo Stationair G-SEMR ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:58 to Lands End
Landing at 11:08 from Cambridge is "GGBHB" SOCATA TB10 Tobago G-GBHB ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:01 to Lands End
Landing at 15:08 from EBOS/Ostend is "DELWC" PA-28-181 Archer III D-ELWC ..parking on the GA apron
Training today were:
EXM18 "Exam 18" DA42 Twin Star G-SUEM ..go-round 11:01 and departed back to Gloucester
"Cutlass" 2 x Hawk T.2s ZK010/A & ZK014/E ..go-round 11:38 and departed to the North
"UAW 20" Grob Tutor G-BYXD ..go-rounds 11:47, 12:03 to St Athan
OXF46 "Oxford 46" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFA ..go-rounds 12:34, 12:55
AOS02 "Aeros 02" DA42 Twin Star G-SUEM ..go-rounds 14:10, 14:24, 14:38 and departed back to Gloucester
OXF28 "Oxford 28" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFD ..go-rounds 15:25, 15:40, 15:55 and departed back to Oxford
"GPHAT" Cirrus SR20G3 G-PHAT ..go-round 16:23 and departed back to Exeter
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BPES, G-BXIF, G-SKBD, G-WARO
MOD St Athan Runway in use 25 07 10:30
Residents active today: G-BYVB, G-BYVO, G-BYVW, G-BYXD, G-MCGP, G-MCGX, G-NWOI, G-OKLY
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