Parked on the Cambrian apron is Beech B200 G-OSFL ..departed at 08:30 as REV10S "Endurance 10S" ..landed 12:15 parking back on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 14:11
Landing c11:15 from Bournemouth is "GBXTZ" PA-28-161 Cadet G-BXTZ ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 12:03
Landing at 12:18 from Kemble is "GCDDG" PA-28-161 Warrior II G-CDDG ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 13:05 to the South
Landing at 14:01 from Wycombe Air Park is "GVOUS" Cessna 172SP Skyhawk G-VOUS ..departed at 14:42
Landing at 14:30 from Haverfordwest is "GAVJF" Reims/Cessna F.172H G-AVJF ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 16:51 back to Haverfordwest
Landing at 16:04 from Exeter is "GGSPI" Grob G-115A G-GPSI ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 18:15
Picture credit IanG
Landing at 16:09 after displaying at WSM is "Memorial 1" Spitfire PR.XIX PM631/S ..parking on the Norman apron and hangared overnight
Picture credit Angelo Harmsworth
Landing at 16:10 after displaying at WSM is "Memorial 2" Spitfire LF.IXe MK356/5J-K ..parking on the Norman apron and hangared overnight
Picture credit Angelo Harmsworth
Landing at 17:15 after displaying at WSM is "Memorial 1" Lancaster B.1 PA474/AR-L/VN-T ..parking on the Cambrian apron
Picture credit IanG
Landing between 18:50 & 18:55 are the Red Arrows Hawk T.1/A XX177, XX188, XX219, XX232, XX242, XX244, XX245, XX319, XX322, XX323..parking on Golf
Picture credit IanG
Training today were:
"Coastguard 187" AW189 G-MCGX ..go-rounds 09:32, 09:51 to St Athan
OXF43 "Oxford 43" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFG ..go-rounds 09:46, 09:58 and departed back to Oxford
OXF45 "Oxford 45" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFD ..go-round 12:02 and departed back to Oxford
OXF43 "Oxford 43" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFG ..go-round 13:03 and departed back to Oxford
OXF15 "Oxford 15" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFA ..go-rounds 14:09, 14:24 and departed back to Oxford
Residents active today: G-MCGX, G-NWOI
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