Parked on Southern Golf is Bombardier Global 6000 9H-VJZ ..departed at 09:30 as VJS981 "Vistajet 981"
Picture credit Mark Little
Landing at 11:28 from Swansea is "GXALT" PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-XALT ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:57 back to Swansea
Picture credit Mark Little
Landing at 14:18 from East Midlands is CLF912 "Clifton 912" Cessna 525A Citation CJ2+ G-LFBD ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 23:39 to Glasgow as CLF597 "Clifton 597"
Landing at 18:49 from Gloucester is "FGITZ" American-Aviation AG-5B Tiger F-GITZ ..parking on the GA apron
Training today were:
BEE029T "Jersey 029T" DH8D G-ECOR ..numerous go-rounds/landings from 08:10 ..departed at 10:58 to Birmingham as BEE129T "Jersey 129T"
Picture credit Mark Little
OXF45 "Oxford 45" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFA ..go-rounds 12:10, 12:25 and departed back to Oxford
EXM44 "Exam 44" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFG ..go-round 14:26 and departed back to Oxford
"Titan 13" AS.365N3 ..go-round 16:47 and departed
Tech on stand 7 is B788 A7-BCB
Landing at 13:05 from Birmingham is BEE031P "Jersey 031P" E175 G-FBJI ..parking on stand ?
Departing at 13:46 to Birmingham is BEE032P "Jersey 032P" E175 G-FBJB
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BBTY, G-BGBK, G-BOPC, G-CEZI, G-WARO
Residents active today: G-BYVB, G-BYVO, G-BYWB, G-MCGX, G-NWOI, G-OKLY
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