Parked on the Cambrian apron are Typhoon FGR.4s ZJ920/920 & ZK436/436 ..ZJ920 departed at 12:36 to display at Swansea as "Typhoon 84" ..landed 13:05 parking back on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 16:16 to display at Teignmouth with the same c/s ..landed 16:50 parking back on the Cambrian apron
Picture credit IanG
Parked on the Cambrian apron is Learjet 45 LX-ONE ..departed at 08:06 to ELLX/Luxembourg as LRQ374 "Lux Rescue 374"
Parked on Golf are Tucano T.1s ZF264/264 & ZF448/448 ..ZF264 departed at 13:26 to display at Swansea as "LOP 72" ..landed 14:02 parking back on Golf
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Parked on Golf is Canadair CT-133AUP Silver Star LN-DPS/133599/599 ..departed at 16:03 to display at Swansea as "T-Bird" ..landed 16:28 parking back on Golf
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Parked on Golf is Cessna 525A CitationJet CJ2 D-IEKU ..departed at 06:54 to EDJA/Memmingen as ECA2C "Dark Knight 2C"
Parked on Golf is Beech 200 King Air G-ZVIP ..departed at 09:06 to EDDH/Hamburg as EGL09 "Prestige 09"
Landing at 12:42 is "GGMOX" Cessna 152 G-GMOX ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:10
Landing at 12:46 from Shawbury is "Shawbury 26" Juno HT.1 ZM529/29 ..parking on Golf ..departed at 14:46 to Swansea as "Red 10" ..landed back 17:46 parking on Golf
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Landing 13:50-13:55 are the Red Arrows Hawk T.1/As XX177, XX188, XX219, XX232, XX242, XX244, XX245, XX319, XX322, XX323 ..parking on Golf ..nine departed at 16:15 to display at Swansea ..landed 17:00-17:05 parking back on Golf
Picture credit IanG
Landing at 14:20 from LICJ/Palermo is EGL999 "Prestige 999" Bombardier Learjet 45 G-XJET ..parking on Golf ..departed at 15:10 to Exeter with the same c/s
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Landing at 14:30 after displaying at Swansea are "Memorial 1/2/3" Lancaster B.1 PA474, Spitfire PR.XIX PM631 and Hurricane IIC PZ865 ..all parking on the Southside ..PZ865 departed at 16:30 to display at Teignmouth as "Hurricane 01" ..landed 17:25 parking back on the Southside
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Parked on stand is JS31 G-MAJY
Landing at 11:07 from Stornoway is ENZ378A "Enzo 378A" RJ1H G-JOTS ..parking on stand 6 ..departed at 11:39 to LXGB/Gibraltar as ENZ378B "Enzo 378B"
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BRWR, G-CEZI, G-MEGN, G-OLIV, G-WARO
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