Inbound at 10:15 from the East is Staverton based Reims-Cessna FA.152 Aerobat G-BIMT ..landed 10:27 parking at the club ..departed at 11:40 home to Staverton
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Inbound at 13:45 is Sleap based Cessna 172S G-ENNK ..landed 13:55 parking at the club ..departed at 16:19 to the East via Wenvoe
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Inbound at 14:10 from Halfpenny Greem is PA-28-161 Warrior II G-OWAP ..landed 14:38 parking at the club ..departed at 15:38 back to Halfpenny Green
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Inbound at 16:50 from Palma Mallorca is MHN384 "Manhattan 384" Learjet 45 G-SNZY ..landed 17:00 parking on the Cambrian apron
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Training Flights
EXM52 "Exam 52" Tecnam P.2006T G-TEKK ..go-round 11:25 and departed to Gloucester
Aeros active today: G-BOPC, G-SCPL
Police ASU EC135T2 active today: G-WONN "Police 32"
03:06 NB descending at LAMAT AUF362 C56X D-CTTT
06:20 EB descending at NUMPO QAF002 A332 A7-HHM
19:29 EB FL350 at NUMPO "Reach 620" C-17A 06-6154
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