Inbound at 09:46 from St Athan is Boeing 737-49R N288KG ..landed 09:53 parking on Echo ..departed at 10:57 to Shannon ..went from there to Bacau Romania
Picture credit Ginge Little
Inbound at 11:30 from the Southwest is AS.355N Ecureuil II N766AM ..landed 11:45 parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 12:19 to the Northeast
Picture credit Mark Pearce
Inbound at 17:45 from the South is Reims/Cessna F182Q Skylane II N182GC ..landed 17:51 parking at the club
Training Flights
Training today were:
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCD ..go-round 09:40 and departed to Bournemouth
EXM52 "Exam 52" Tecnam P.2006T G-TEKK ..go-round 11:23 and departed to Gloucester
OXF56 "Oxford 56" PA-34 Seneca G-BGFT ..go-round 12:56 and departed to Oxford
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCB ..go-round 13:25 and departed to Bournemouth
Cirrus SR22 G-VBPM ..go-rounds 14:06, 14:12 ..landed 14:18 parking at the club ..departed at 15:17 to the East
Departing at 09:46 to Cardiff is Boeing 737-49R N288KG
Picture credit StuC
Inbound at 12:00 from North Weald is Cessna 172P G-NWFG ..landed 12:12 parking with Horizon ..departed at 13:27 back to North Weald
Picture credit Keith Morgan
Inbound at 12:02 from North Weald is Reims-Cessna F.172N G-BURD ..landed 12:15 parking with Horizon
Picture credit Keith Morgan
Inbound at 13:12 from Cardiff is Beagle B121-150 Pup G-AZCZ ..landed 13:17 parking with Horizon
Picture credit Keith Morgan
Inbound at 13:30 is "Flapjack 01" Hunter F.58A G-PSST ..landed 13:40 parking with Horizon
Picture credit Keith Morgan
Interesting OTT
08:57 WB FL190 at EXMOR "Benji 41" MC-130P 66-0215
09:01 WB FL150 at EXMOR "Shado 61" MC-130P 64-14854
10:52 WB FL360 at DIKAS IAM9002 A319 MM62243
18:17 EB FL230 at VLN "Quid 72" KC-135R 58-0100
18:19 EB FL230 at VLN "Quid 73" KC-135R 61-0295
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