Parked on Golf are Red Arrows Hawk T.1/As XX177, XX232, XX244, XX245, XX278, XX310, XX311, XX319, XX322 ..departed at 13:54 to display at WSM ..landed 14:37-39 parking back on Golf

return - Picture credit IanG

Picture credit IanG
Landing at 11:02 is "Shawbury 17" Squirrel HT.1 ZJ274/74 ..parking on Golf ..departed at 12:11 to Weston as "Red 10" ..landed 15:25 parking on Golf ..departed at 16:39 to Shawbury as "Shawbury 17"

Picture credit IanG
Landing at 12:06 from the South is PA-28R-200 Arrow II N101CZ ..parking on the GA apron
Landing at 17:52 from ENBR/Bergen is Air Pannonia Beech C90 King Air 9A-SIB ..parking on the Cambrian apron
Landing at 18:52 from Luton is Challenger 850 G-RADY ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 23:55 back to Luton
Training today were:
"Oxford 67" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFA ..go-round 11:55 and departed to Oxford
"Team Raven" 5x RV-4/8 G-CIBM, G-EGRV, G-MAXV, G-SOUT, G-VFDS ..go-round 16:45 to Swansea

Picture credit IanG
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCH ..go-round 17:11 and departed to Bournemouth
Parked on stand 16 is VVB Aviation B734 9H-VVB
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today: G-BOPC, G-BRWR, G-BXIF, G-CISG, G-WARO
Due in from Heathrow is BAW9171 "Speedbird 9171" B744 G-BYGD ..landed 14:17

Picture credit Gerallt Marsh
Residents active today: G-BOPU, G-BYBE, G-CERK, G-CILN, G-EEKY, G-JANN, G-NWOI, G-OKLY
Interesting OTT
05:45 EB FL370 at DIKAS "Reach 972" C-17A 94-0065
07:04 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 974" C-17A 95-0104
08:04 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 645" C-17A 97-0045
12:44 WB FL360 at EXMOR "Reach 949" C-5M 85-0002
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