Landing at 11:00 is Jodel D120A G-BYBE ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:42 to St Athan
Landing at 12:46 from Bristol is Liberty XL-2 N518XL ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 15:15 to Biggin Hill

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 12:45 from Swansea is PA-38-112 Tomahaek G-BOMO ..departed shortly after back to Swansea

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 13:13 from Cumbernauld is Beech C90GTx King Air N95VB ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 13:41 ..landed back 19:30 parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 19:46 back to Cumbernauld

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 16:23 from Aldergrove is Gulfstream G4SP N300CR ..parking on Golf
Training today were:
EXM16 "Exam 16" DA42 Twin Star G-CTCC ..go-round 11:19 and departed to Bournemouth
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCE ..go-round 12:13 and departed to Bournemouth
"Exam 91" DA42 Twin Star G-CTCD ..go-round 14:10 and departed to Bournemouth
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCF ..go-round 14:30 and departed to Bournemouth
OXF35 "Oxford 35" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFC ..go-round 16:38 and departed to Oxford
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCF ..go-round 17:48 and departed to Bournemouth
Parked on stand is VVB Aviation Malta B734 9H-VVB ..departed at 14:39 to LIEO/Olbia as ISS7001 "Merair 7001"

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Landing at 18:24 from ENGM/Oslo is MLT832F "Maleth 832F" B733 9H-AJW ..parking on stand ?
Landing at 21:55 from LKPR/Prague is MSA9043 "Mistral Wings 9043" MD-82 LZ-LDP ..parking on stand 12
Based Aircraft Movements
Residents active today:G-AZCZ, G-BOPC, G-WARO
Departing at 21:47 to Heathrow is BAW9172 "Speedbird 9172" B772 G-VIIA
Residents active today: G-BYBE (to Cardiff), G-BYVB, G-BYVS, G-BYVW, G-EEKY, G-JANN, G-MCGN, G-NWOI, G-OKLY

Picture credit James Thomas
Interesting OTT
05:23 EB FL330 at DIKAS "Reach 321" C-17A 98-0052
06:56 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 857" C-5M 87-0034
07:26 EB FL360 at NUMPO BAF631 A321 CS-TRJ
07:30 EB FL270 at VLN "Reach 322" KC-10A 87-0121
07:48 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 526" C-17A 08-8200
10:34 EB FL120 at VLN "Reach 489" C-17A 10-0214
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