Departing at 11:39 is PA-28-161 Cadet G-OLSF ..arrival ?
Visiting this morning from Bournemouth c12:00 was Robin R.2160i Alpha Sport G-BYBF ..departed at 12:57 back to Bournemouth
Inbound at 15:00 from Manchester is EZE1867 "East Flight 1867" E135 G-CGMC ..landed 16:11 parking on stand 14
Picture credit Keith Morgan
Due out to Stansted at 19:35 is TCX752F "Kestrel 752F" A320 G-TCAD ..departed at 19:39
BAMC Happenings
Residents active today: G-BBTY, G-WONN
Interesting OTT
10:15 WB at DIKAS G450 N104AR
10:30 WB at DIKAS H25B VQ-BPH
12:15 WB at Brecon GLF4 N315MK
12:40 EB at DIKAS "Reach 655" C-17A 08-8193
12:45 EB at DIKAS "Reach 305" C-17A 10-0213
12:50 EB at DIKAS "Reach ???" C-17A 06-6161
13:28 WB at EXMOR "Reach 208" C-17A 05:5143
13:45 EB at DIKAS "Reach 625" C-17A 10-0219
15:15 EB at DIKAS E6-B 162784
15:20 EB at DIKAS "Reach 595" C-17A 02-1110