Inbound at 11:30 is PA-23-150 N2086P ..landed at 11:44 parking at the club..departed at 14:56 to the North
Inbound at 13:25 is Swansea Based PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BLWP ..landed at 13:46 parking at the club..departed at 14:48 back to Swansea
Landing at 14:45 from Toulouse is MCD076 "Airmed 076" PA-42-720 Cheyenne G-GZRP ..parking on Norman apron ..departed at 17:12 to Oxford with the same c/sign
Landing at 16:53 is "Skywalker 050" Learjet 45 G-DDDJ ..parking on Cambrian apron ..departed at 17:20 to Luton with the same c/s
Residents active today: G-BVMA, G-EKIR, G-MEGN, G-VLTT
Interesting OTT
09:37 EB FL390 at DIKAS "Clean 11" KC-10A 87-0124
10:40 WB FL220 N of TALGA "Reach 977" C-130 94-6706
10:59 EB desending at VLN "Reach 332" KC-135R 60-0320
12:24 EB FL350 at BCN "Reach 1818" C-17A 01-0193
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