Parked at the club is Pierrie Robin R3000/140 G-BZOL
Inbound at 10:50 from Belfast is CWY3T9A "Causeway 3T9A" Beech B200 Super King Air G-NIAA ..landed 11:02 parking on the Norman apron ..departed at 14:23 back to Belfast as CWY999B "Causeway 999B"
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Departing at 12:52 is PA-28-180 Cherokee D G-AWSL ..arrival ?
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Inbound at 12:50 from LFRQ/Quimper-Pluguffan is LNX75FR "Lonex 75FR" Beech Super King Air G-FRYI ..landed 13:03 parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 13:16 to Southend with the same c/s
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Departing at 14:03 is PA-32R-301 Saratoga SP G-TSDS ..arrival ?
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Visiting today was PA-28R-201 Arrow III G-TOLL
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Visiting today was Cessna 150L G-BAYO
Picture credit Matthew Blunt
Residents active today: G-AVJF, G-AZCZ, G-AZDJ, G-BSSB, G-BVMA, G-BXIF, G-KSIR, G-MEGN
Interesting OTT
08:27 EB descending at DIKAS "Reach 537" KC-135R 59-1523
09:45 EB descending at NUMPO "Reach 437" KC-135R 63-8036
10:56 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 201" C-17A 01-0196
11:34 EB FL270 at BCN "Reach 111" C-130 07-46310