Parked on the Cambrian apron is AS.355F1 Ecureuil 2 G-BPRJ ..departed 09:20 on a local survey as "Pipeline 61" ..departed the area c09:30 to Welshpool
Parked on Golf is Dassault Falcon 2000EX G-LSMB ..departed at 10:12 to LGZA/Zakynthos as AVB942 "Beauport 942" ..inbound at 18:35 as AVB944 "Beauport 944" ..landed 18:46 parking on Golf ..planned departure to Jersey as AVB945 cancelled due to tech problem
Landing at 10:19 from Swansea is PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BLWP parking at the club ..departed at 11:10 back to Swansea

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Inbound at 11:20 from the East is PA-28-181 Archer III G-LACD ..landed 11:27 parking at the club ..departed at 16:34 to the South

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Inbound at 12:35 after a local calibration flight is "Calibrator 23" Beech 200 Super King Air G-FPLD ..landed 12:41 parking on Stand 6 ..departed at 13:55 on a local calibration flight with the same c/s
Training Flights
Training today were:
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCH ..go-round 15:39 and departed to Bournemouth
DA42 Twin Star G-CTCC ..go-round 20:04 and departed to Bournemouth
Operating with UWAS today using Cosford c/s "UAY 10" is Grob Tutor G-CGKX arrival date unknown
Inbound at 13:30 from the East is "Vortex 288" Merlin HC.3 ZJ134/S ..briefly landed 13:38 and departed to the West

Picture credit StuC
Interesting OTT
05:46 EB FL350 at TALGA "Reach 588" C-17A 04-4133
08:03 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 801" C-17A 88-0266
08:09 EB FL360 at DIKAS "Reach 689" C-17A 01-0194
14:56 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 500" C-17A 07-7185
15:32 WB FL280 at EXMOR "Reach 252" C-17A 03-3115
21:40 EB FL230 at VLN "Reach 106" C-17A 07-7184
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