Parked on the GA apron is Partenavia P.68B Victor I-VICC ..departed at 10:02 to the Survey area as "IVICC" ..landed 13:08 parking back on the GA apron ..departed at 14:15 back to the survey area ..landed 16:25 parking back on the GA apron
Parked on the Cambrian apron is Pilatus PC-12-47A LX-FDI ..departed at 09:57 as JFA59C "Mosquito 59C"
Parked on the Cambrian apron is Gulfstream G550 N524VE ..departed at 07:49 as "N524VE"
Landing at 10:33 from Swansea is "GBGKY" PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BGKY ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 11:00 back to Swansea
Landing at 10:58 from Bournemouth is "GBXTZ" PA-28-161 Cadet G-BXTZ ..parking on the GA apron ..departed c.11:00 to the South
Landing at 12:02 from Luton is AHO663T "Air Hamburg 663T" Embraer ER-135BJ Legacy 650 D-AHOI ..parking on the Cambrian apron ..departed at 13:35 to LEIB/Ibiza with the same c/s
Picture credit IanG
Landing at 12:05 from White Waltham is "GAREL" PA-22-150 Caribbean G-AREL ..parking on the GA apron ..departed at 14:57 back to White Waltham
Landing at 13:17 from LFPB/Le Bourget is KFE157 Dassault Falcon 200EX EASy 9H-DUV ..parking on Southern Golf
Picture credit IanG
Training today were:
"UAW 23" Grob Tutor G-BYVW ..go-round 11:44 to St Athan
EXM50 "Exam 50" DA42 Twin Star G-SATM ..go-round 13:33 and departed back to Gloucester
"GBCJN" PA-28-140 Cherokee F G-BCJN ..circuits 14:10-14:37 ..landed 14:37 for a crew change ..airborne at 14:43 for more circuits before departing back to Bristol
OXF16 "Oxford 16" PA-34-220T Seneca G-OXFB ..go-round 16:45 and departed back to Oxford
Parked on stand 14 is the tech Flybe E175 G-FBJI
Residents active today: G-AXIR, 2-DITO, G-AZCZ, G-BOPC, G-CEZI, G-EEKY, G-SKBD, G-WARO
St Athan Airfield Runway in use 07
Residents active today: G-AXIR, G-EEKY, G-MCGP, G-OKLY
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