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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LOG Tuesday 28/04/2009

Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30 12 07:55 30 12:40
Transients (Below FL160)
Departing St Donats 08:25 and heading South Raj Hamsa X'Air G-CCOO
Eastbound 08:35 along the coast and seen South of Cardiff Airport Robinson R44 Raven II G-CIDR
Eastbound 10:45 having departed Haverfordwest and enroute Cranwell is TB-20 G-CCGL
Interesting OTT (Above FL160)
08:15 "Reach 9433" KC-10 79-0433 EB FL350 STU-DIKAS-MAM ..305thAMW McGuire AFB, NJ
08:42 "Sam 4767" C-37A 99-0402 EB FL410 at BCN ..89thAW Andrews AFB, MD
09:40 "Gold 62" KC-135R 62-3565 WB FL320 MAM-DIKAS-STU ..100thARW Mildenhall
09:45 "Gold 72" KC-135R 60-0328 WB FL320 MAM-DIKAS-STU ..100thARW Mildenhall
09:58 "Reach 627" B744 N572UP EB FL390 at NUMPO ..United Parcel Service
11:25 "Reach 9744" C-17A 97-0044 WB FL320 DIKAS-STU ..437thAW Charleston AFB, SC
12:55 "Quid 93" KC-135R 58-0036 WB FL240 BZN-VLN-LND-DINIM ..100thARW RAF Mildenhall refuel B-1B "Rama 21" West of Eire ..returned 14:30
12:55 "RSAF 904" C-130H 1623 EB FL160-FL80 STU-DIKAS-(Lyneham) ..16 Sqn Al Kharj AB
13:20 "Reach 0176" C-17A 00-0176 WB FL320 MAM-GITUS ..62ndAW McChord AFB WA
13:40 "Reach 369" C-5B 86-0020 EB FL330 GITUS-MAM ..436thAW Dover AFB DE
13:55 "Evac 33119" C-17A 03-3119 WB FL340 MAM-DIKAS-CRK ..183rdAS MS ANG Jackson MS
14:05 "Reach 7043" C-5B 87-0043 EB FL350 GITUS-MAM ..436thAW Dover AFB DE
14:35 "Reach 7185" C-17A 07-7185 EB FL350 GITUS-MAM ..437thAW Charleston AFB SC
14:50 "Reach 867" C-17A 06-6159 EB FL370 GITUS-MAM ..60thAMW Travis AFB CA
15:25 "Reach 916" C-17A 04-4136 WB FL320 MAM-DIKAS ..305thAMW McGuire AFB NJ
17:15 KZR1387 B752 P4-FAS WB climbing UL9-DIKAS-UN864-NITON ..Air Astana ..Lasham airtest
18:40 "N781VA" B738 N781VA WB FL400 UL9 BCN-STU ..Vision Airlines ..ex OY-SEB

MOD St Athan Runway in use 08 26 12:00
Night stopping Monday was 32[TR]Sqdn A-109E ZR323 ..departed to Shawbury "Ascot 1561" 09:00
Inbound 10:10 is "Armyair 597" 1 Flight Islander AL.1 ZG845 ..landed 10:25 ..departed on airtest 13:56 as "Vectis 1" ..landed 14:48
Inbound 10:55 is "Armyair 598" 651Sqdn Defender T.3 ZH004 ..landed 11:19 ..departed 12:09 to Aldergrove
Landing at 11:57 is "Cranwell 92" 55(R)Sqn Dominie T.1 XS712/A ..departed 13:50
Inbound at 13:50 is "Shawbury 04" DHFS Squirrel HT.1 ZJ270/70 ..landed 14:01 ..lifted 14:17 to operate in the overhead on a photo survey ..departed 14:31 to Cosford to drop off pics then on to Shawbury

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: You are fully welcome to use information from our site, all we ask is that the South Wales Aviation Group are credited. Please don't copy whole sections of the blog for use on your own site. The site is produced by aviation enthusiasts for aviation enthusiasts and is not intended for official use in any way ..regards the SWAG team.

Editorial Information
: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins

Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG

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