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Monday, March 15, 2010

LOG Monday 15/03/2010

Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30
Parked on echo is Air Harrods S-76C G-FULM ..departed 10:47
Also parked on echo is Cessna F.182Q N182GC
Diverting in at 10:40 with fumes in the cockpit is "VYT62" 19(R)Sqn/4FTS Hawk T.1A XX315/315 ..landed 10:46 parking on Golf
T.1A XX315 4FTS Cardiff 150310
photo (IanG)
Training Flights
Inbound at 08:30 is "Cotam 1135" ET01.064 C-160R Transall R214/64-GN ..landed at 09:05 and parking on stand 6 for a crew change ..departed 09:23
Overshooting at 11:09 and departing is "Oxford 27" PA-34 G-BCVY
Overshooting at 12:03 and departing is "Dartmoor 04" Beech 76 G-BOFC ..returned for another overshoot at 15:30
Overshooting at 13:40 and departing is "Brunel 5" PA-34 G-MAIR
Overshooting at 16:15 and departing to the Southeast is "Exam 09" Beech 76 G-TWNN
Overshooting at 20:50 and departing is "VYT42" 4 FTS Hawk T.1 XX245/245
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Departing at 10:31 to Dublin is HWY31C JS31 G-BTXG ..returns as HWY31D ..landed 13:09 parking on stand 15 ..repositioned to stand 8 at 13:24
Due in from Dublin at 13:00 is MON9119 A321 G-MARA ..landed 13:51 parking on stand 9 ..departed at 14:52 to Manchester as MON119P
G-MARA Monarch Cardiff 150310
photo (IanG)
Inbound from East Midlands at 21:37 is BMI9412 B733 G-TOYK ..landed 21:50 parking on stand 3
Due out to Edinburgh at 22:25 is TOM765F B738 G-FDZE ..departed 22:29
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 09:15 to the Southeast is PA-32R Cherokee Lance G-VERN ..landed 15:24
Departing at 10:23 is Robin HR200 G-GMKD ..landed 18:46
Departing at 11:06 is PA-28 G-BXIF ..landed home 17:59
Landing at 11:57 is Commander 112B G-CRIL
Landing at 12:10 is DragonFly Beech 200 G-BVMA
Departing at 12:33 is PA-28 G-CSBD ..landed 15:01
Deaprting at 13:49 is DragonFly Beech 200 G-MEGN
BAMC Happenings
Landing at 13:35 from Heathrow is "Speedbird 9170" B744 G-CIVF
Over the Top
Above FL160
07:39 "N22T" F900 N22T EB FL370 STU-CPT ..Aplomado Inc
07:48 "N200UP" FA50 N200UP WB FL360 CPT-STU ..Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA Trustee
08:00 "Reach 572" C-17A 03-3126 EB FL330 GAPLI-MAM ..305thAMW JB McGuire, NJ
08:12 "Reach 278" C-17A 90-0534 WB FL380 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston, SC
08:14 "N811AM" H25B N811AM WB FL350 STU-CPT ..Air Med International
08:25 "N922H" GLF4 N922H EB FL450 STU-CPT ..Honeywell International
08:28 "N812AM" H25B N812AM WB FL350 STU-CPT ..WC Leasing LLC
08:35 "N874C" GLF4 N874C WB climbing CPT-STU ..Hewlett-Packard
09:45 "Reach 3601" C-17A 93-0601 EB FL330 GAPLI-MAM ..62ndAW McChord AFB, WA
10:13 LGT2 F900 VP-BMB WB FL360 CPT-STU ..Longtail Aviation
10:52 "3A-MGA" F900 3A-MGA EB FL350 STU-CPT ..Principality of Monaco
10:59 "N763DB" GLF4 N763DB EB FL450 STU-CPT ..Trans Exec Air Service Inc [Gander-Venice]
11:16 "NATO 26" CT-49A LX-N19997 WB FL340 CPT-STU ..NAEWF Geilenkirchen
11:24 "Reach 582" C-17A 01-0197 WB FL330 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston SC
11:25 "Reach 512" C-17A 07-7172 WB FL340 MAM-DIKAS-STU ..60thAMW Travis AFB CA
12:03 "Reach 021" B744 N576UP WB FL360 NIGIT-DIKAS-STU ..UPS Airlines
12:38 "Reach 677" C-17A 99-0061 WB FL340 MAM-GITUS ..62ndAW McChord AFB WA
12:42 "Reach 177" C-17A 92-3293 EB FL370 GAPLI-MAM ..437thAW JB Charleston SC
12:55 "Reach 164" C-17A 97-0048 WB FL320 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston SC
13:23 "Reach 283" KC-10A 79-0433 WB FL340 MAM-DIKAS-STU ..305thAMW JB McGuire NJ
14:19 KAL8259 B744 HL7434 EB FL370 STU-CPT ..Korean Airlines Cargo [JFK-Brussels]
14:30 "Reach 032" C-5B 85-0060 WB FL320 MAM-DIKAS-STY ..337thAS/AFRC Westover AFB, MA
15:40 "VQ-BJA" GLEC VQ-BJA WB FL400 CPT-STU ..Private
16:10 KAL8249 B744 HL7467 EB FL370 MERLY-EXMOR ..Korean Airlines Cargo [Hartsfield/Jackson-Brussels]
16:28 "N650PL" GLF5 N650PL WB climbing CPT-ABAPO ..Wells Fargo Bank Trustee [Luton-Teterboro]
17:00 "N536GA" GALX N536GA WB FL380 CPT-STU ..Wells Fargo Bank
17:27 "N1TF" GLF5 N1TF WB FL260 CPT-ABAPO ..Gulf States Toyota Inc
18:09 "Reach 755" DC10 N720AX WB FL360 CPT-STU ..Omni Air International
19:13 "Jalop 23" C-21A 84-0109 NB descending BHD-VLN-BZN-MAM ..76thAS Ramstein AB
19:17 "Reach 756" DC10 N612AX WB FL360 CPT-STU ..Omni Air International

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Notice to Readers
: You are fully welcome to use information from our site, all we ask is that the South Wales Aviation Group are credited. Please don't copy whole sections of the blog for use on your own site. The site is produced by aviation enthusiasts for aviation enthusiasts and is not intended for official use in any way ..regards the SWAG team.

Editorial Information
: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins

Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG

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