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Thursday, March 11, 2010

LOG Thursday 11/03/2010

Cardiff IAP Runway in use 12 30 by 07:49
Parked on Golf is 19(R)Sqn/4FTS Hawk T.1A XX283/283
photo (Hugh Trainer)
Inbound at 10:15 is "VYT 68" 19(R)Sqn/4FTS Hawk T.1 XX315/315 ..landed 10:29 parking on golf ..departed at 11:26 back to Valley
photo (Hugh Trainer)
Inbound from Teesside at 10:55 is AVB812 Citation Excel S G-XBEL ..landed 11:10 parking on echo
Landing at 20:29 is "Martin 01" Beech 200 G-ORJA ..parking on stand 15
Training Flights
Inbound at 14:00 for an approach is "Fast Track 16" PA-34 (G-CAHA) ..go-round 14:18 and departed to Gloucester
Entering the CDF hold at 17:58 prior to an approach is DA42 G-CTCH ..go-round 18:23 and departed to Bournemouth
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Due out to Krakow at 07:00 is TCX195G A320 G-TCAD ..departed 07:07 ..arrived back from Krakow at 22:10 as TCX195H ..parking on stand 10
Due in from Birmingham at 08:50 is BEE087P DH8D G-JECG ..landed 08:44 parking on stand 1 ..departed at 09:30 to Dublin as BE8728
Due out to Dublin at 09:00 is MON9092 A321 G-OZBF ..departed 09:02 ..arrived back from Dublin at 11:28 as MON093P ..parking stand 10
photo (Hugh Trainer)
Due out to Dublin at 13:00 is MON9094 A321 G-OZBF ..departed 12:50 ..arrived back from Dublin at 15:13 as MON095P ..parking on stand ?
Inbound at 15:10 from Manchester is TCX86P A332 G-MDBD ..landed 15:24 parking on stand 6
Due in from Dublin at 16:30 is REA015P AT72 EI-REP ..landed 16:24 parking on stand 3 ..departed back to Dublin at 17:02 as RE4315
Due out to East Midlands at 23:15 is TCX195F A320 G-TCAD ..departed 23:22
Based Aircraft Movements
Landing at 10:55 is PA-28 Archer II G-OPET
Departing at 13:18 via St.Hilary is PA-28 G-BXIF ..landed 14:11 ..departed 18:46 on a night NAVEX ..landed 20:17 on 12
Hopping over to St.Athan at 14:46 is Sundowner G-BBTY
Departing at 15:04 for some training approaches is Trinidad G-BTZO ..landed 15:53
Airborne at 16:58 into the circuit is Cessna F150K G-ECBH ..landed 17:21
MOD St Athan Runway in use 08
UWAS Tutors active today: G-BYWA, G-BYWD
Nightstopping were 1 FTS Tucano T.1 ZF291/291 & 76(R)Sqn/1 FTS Tucano T.1 ZF378/378/MP-W ..departed at 09:20 as "LOP 83"
Landing at 14:49 from Cardiff is Sundowner G-BBTY
Over the Top
Above FL160
08:21 EDC132P C525 G-EDCK WB FL300 CPT-STU ..Air Charter Scotland [London City-Dublin]
08:24 "N111HZ" F2TH N111HZ WB climbing CPT-STU ..Hertz
08:40 "N604MU" CL60 N604MU EB FL370 MERLY-EXMOR-SAM ..Dean Management Corp
09:03 "Reach 431" KC-10A 84-0192 EB FL370 GAPLI-MAM ..305thAMW JB McGuire NJ
09:32 "Reach 3113" (RCH3110 on SBS) C-17A 03-3113 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..183rdAS/MS ANG Jackson, MS
09:52 "Spar 70" C-20H 90-0300 WB FL400 CPT-STU ..76thAS/86thAW Ramstein AB, Germany
10:00 "Reach 276" C-17A 93-0602 WB FL360 MAM-GAPLI ..437thAW JB Charleston AFB, SC
10:55 "N604FJ" CL60 N604FJ WB FL360 CPT-STU ..Cargo Leasing Inc [Addison-Gander-Antwerp]
11:28 "XA-BUA" GLEX XA-BUA EB FL450 EVRIN-SWANY-NUMPO ..Aerotresalia
11:45 "N874C" GLF4 N874C EB FL410 STU-NUMPO ..Hewlett-Packard Co [Van Nuys-Gander-Venice]
12:35 "Reach 688" C-17A 00-0184 WB FL320 MAM-GITUS ..62ndAW McChord AFB, WA
13:05 "N755VE" GLF5 N755VE WB climbing DIKAS-STU ..Valero Services Inc [Luton-San Antonio Intl]
13:45 "Reach 815" C-17A 08-8191 WB FL320 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston, SC
14:41 "View 11" C-20E 87-0140 WB FL400 CPT-STU ..USAPAT JB Andrews MD
14:54 UJT962 GLF4 N962SS WB climbing CPT-STU ..Henn Leasing LLC [Luton-Palm Beach Intl]
15:09 EJM18 G450 N18CJ WB climbing CPT-STU ..Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA Trustee
17:01 "View 11" C-20E 87-0140 EB FL350 STU-CPT ..USAPAT JB Andrews MD
17:21 "Reach 207" C-17A 01-0187 EB descending GAPLI-VLN-BZN-MAM ..62ndAW McChord AFB WA
Around & About
Departing it's home base near Cowbridge at 09:30 to Swansea is Enstrom 480 G-CUDY ..returned home c13:00
Inbound to Swansea from Perranporth at 12:10 is Cessna 150L G-FFAF ..returned home 14:17
Inbound to Swansea at 12:45 from Lee-on-Solent is PA-28 Warrior II G-WNTR ..returned home 14:12 via St.Hilary and the Cardiff overhead

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: You are fully welcome to use information from our site, all we ask is that the South Wales Aviation Group are credited. Please don't copy whole sections of the blog for use on your own site. The site is produced by aviation enthusiasts for aviation enthusiasts and is not intended for official use in any way ..regards the SWAG team.

Editorial Information
: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins

Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG

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