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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LOG Wednesday 31/03/2010

Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Departing to Birmingham at 15:54 is WW9432 B733 G-TOYK
Due out to Leeds-Bradford at 17:00 is TCX817P A320 G-OMYA ..departed 17:17
Due in from Manchester at 22:55 is BMI9433 B733 G-TOYF ..landed 22:53
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 14:16 is DragonFly Beech 200 G-MEGN ..landed 18:25
Over the Top
Below FL160
Eastbound, 2 miles off the coast, from Swansea to Newport at 14:26 is "Metman" BAE.146 G-LUXE
Eastbound at 16:48 from Haverfordwest to Odiham is "Armyair 642" 657 Sqn Lynx AH.7 ZD280
Above FL160
08:25 "COTAM 0014" A319 1485/F-RBFA EB FL370 MERLY-EXMOR-SAM ..ETEC00.065 Orly
08:59 "Reach 177" C-17A 07-7173 EB FL330 GAPLI-MAM ..436thAW Dover AFB DE
09:35 BZH4351 CRJ9 F-WDTA SB FL390 NOKIN-EXMOR-BHD ..Brit Air (c/n 15001, to be F-HDTA) [Keflavik-Morlaix/Ploujean]
09:49 "Reach 539" C-17A 00-0180 EB FL330 GAPLI-MAM ..62ndAW JB Lewis-McChord WA
09:49 "Navy VV100" C-37B 166378 WB FL400 CPT-BEKSA-SLANY ..VR-1 JB Andrews MD [Ramstein-Andrews]
10:00 "N999NB" GLF4 N999NB EB descending SLANY-KENET ..Wells Fargo Bank Northwest Na Trustee [Waterbury/Oxford-Westchester Co-Biggin Hill]
11:00 "Reach 6022" C-5B 86-0022 EB descending EVRIN-NUMPO-BZN-MAM ..60thAMW Travis AFB, CA [to RAF Mildenhall]
11:50/12:15 "F-WWJS" F2TH F-WWJS WB/EB FL400/410 DIKAS-STU-DIKAS ..Dassault (HMU check) (c/n 209, to be I-)
12:29 "Reach 537" C-17A 00-0173 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..517thAS 3rdWing JB Elmendorf-Richardson AK
12:45 "SAM 6872" C-40B 01-0040 WB FL340 CPT-STU ..89thAW JB Andrews MD
12:51 "SAM 6924" C-20B 86-0203 WB FL380 CPT-STU ..89thAW JB Andrews MD (miscoded transponder)
12:54 "Reach 408" C-5B 85-0003 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..436thAW Dover AFB DE
13:45 "Canforce 0474" CP140 140104 WB FL100 Lyneham-VLN-Chivenor ..14 Wing CFB Greenwood NS (descended to low level to operate along the North Devon-Cornwall coast)
14:11 "N1040" GLF5 N1040 WB FL430 CPT-STU ..Cox Enterprises Inc
16:32 ADB2812 A124 UR-82073 EB descending STU-DIKAS-BASET ..Antonov Airlines [Tulsa Intl-Brize Norton]
19:15 "N985JC" G550 N985JC WB climbing CPT-STU ..St.Thomas Energy Exports Inc
20:41 GNJ50 G550 SX-MFA WB FL470 NIGIT-STU ..Gainjet
20:56 "Reach 582" C-17A 98-0053 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..62ndAW JB Lewis-McChord WA

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Editorial Information
: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins

Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG

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